dc:title"Revision of Benedeniella Johnston, 1929 (Monogenea: Capsalidae), its assignment to Entobdellinae Bychowsky, 1957 and comments on subfamilial composition";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Benedeniella macrocolpa (Lühe, 1906) Yamaguti, 1963. Whole adult parasite, composite drawing, in ventral view based on AHC 29906 (specimen labeled no. 1) with some additions by hand. For clarity, extent of intestinal diverticula (entirely coextensive with the vitellarium) other than immediately posterior to pharynx and separate uterus parallel with terminal male genital duct are not shown and extensive convolutions of vas deferens are simplified (but are shown in full in Figure 6). Abbreviations: aao, anterior attachment organ; ah, anterior hamulus; as, accessory sclerite; c, cirrus; cp, common genital pore; cs, cirrus sac; dh, dorsal horn; e, excretory bladder; em, extrinsic muscle; g, germarium; gr, ventral groove; h, haptor; ho, hooklet; i, intestine; mv, marginal valve; n, longitudinal nerve trunk; o, ootype; p, pharynx; ph, posterior hamulus; rp, rounded papilla; t, testis; te, tendon; v, vagina; vi, vitelline follicle; vp, vaginal pore. Scale bar: 1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Benedeniella macrocolpa (Lühe, 1906) Yamaguti, 1963. Haptoral sclerites of adult parasite. A. Accessory sclerite. B. Anterior hamulus. C. Posterior hamulus. D. Hooklet. E. Proximal ends of anterior hamulus (ah) and accessory sclerite (as) showing main tendon path (stippled) plus branch (solid) to haptor tissue (see also Figure 3 A). Scale bars: A – B, 100 µm; C, 50 µm; D, 10 µm; E, 200 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Differential interference contrast photomicrographs of haptor and anterior attachment organs from stained, mounted specimens of Benedeniella species. A. Accessory sclerite (as) and anterior (= proximal) part of anterior hamulus (ah) on one side of haptor of B. macrocolpa (Lühe, 1906) Yamaguti, 1963 showing route of tendon through proximal notch (pn) of accessory sclerite before attaching to proximal end of anterior hamulus with a branch (b) of the tendon apparently attaching to haptor tissue. AHC 29906 (specimen labeled no. 1). B. The left anterior attachment organ of B. macrocolpa showing complete ventral grooves (gr) and some incomplete grooves (ig) anterolaterally. Note the rounded papillae (rp) at the anterior extremity of the parasite. AHC 29906 (specimen labeled no. 1). C. Accessory sclerite (as) and anterior (= proximal) part of anterior hamulus (ah) on one side of haptor of B. posterocolpa (Hargis, 1955) Yamaguti, 1963 showing route of tendon through proximal notch of accessory sclerite before attaching to proximal end of anterior hamulus with a branch (b) of the tendon apparently attaching to haptor tissue. AHC 29911 (specimen labeled no. 13). D. The left anterior attachment organ of B. posterocolpa showing ventral grooves (gr) and some incomplete grooves (ig) anterolaterally. Note the dorsal horn (dh) where the body and anterior attachment organ join. AHC 29911 (specimen labeled no. 13). Scale bars: 200 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Scanning electron micrographs of dorsal region of juvenile specimen of Benedeniella macrocolpa (Lühe, 1906) Yamaguti, 1963. A. Anterior region of specimen showing small tapering papillae resembling horns (h) dorsal to junction of body and anterior attachment organs. The position of the common genital pore (c) and the excretory papillae (ep) are also indicated. B. Haptor and posterior region of body proper showing pair of conical structures (co) near peduncle. Note marginal valve (mv). C. Enlargement of Figure 4 B showing pair of conical structures dorsal to haptor. Scale bars: A, 250 µm; B, 250 µm; C, 100 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Benedeniella macrocolpa (Lühe, 1906) Yamaguti, 1963. Anterolateral region of body (left side) of adult parasite. Composite drawing in ventral view based on AHC 29905 (specimen labeled no. 1) with some additions by hand. Note that positions of some ducts (e. g. transverse vitelline duct, vas deferens and uterus) are displaced slightly for clarity. Also, common genital papilla, common genital pore, excretory papilla and vaginal pore are located dorsally and are shown here as seen by transparency. Abbreviations: cgp, common genital papilla; cv, common vitelline duct; dv, distal part of vagina; ep, excretory papilla; ey, eye; fc, fertilisation chamber; ju, junction of uterus and terminal male genital duct; m, male accessory gland reservoir; mg, terminal male genital duct; og, ootype glands; ov, oviduct; ovo, ovovitelline duct; pv, proximal part of vagina; tvd, transverse vitelline duct; u, uterus; vd, vas deferens; vdc, vas deferens within cirrus sac; vr, vitelline reservoir. Other abbreviations as for Figure 1. Scale bar: 1 mm.";