dc:title"Notes on the Indo-West Pacific shrimp genus Athanopsis Coutière, 1897 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Alpheidae), with the description of a new species associated with echiurans (Annelida, Thalassematidae)";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Colour patterns of five species of Athanopsis Coutière, 1897 A, B— A. brevirostris Banner & Banner, 1981, male (A) and ovigerous female (B) from Nosy-Bé, Madagascar (FLMNH UF Arthropoda 14486, 14487), both in lateral view; C, D— A. gotoi sp. nov., C, holotype, ovigerous female from Amami-Oshima, Japan (MNHN-IU- 2010 - 4101), sitting on its host, Ochetostoma erythrogrammon Leuckart & Rüppel, 1829, and dorsolateral view (both in vitro); D, non-type, ovigerous female from Okinawa (CBM-ZC 10620) on echiuran host (in situ); E— A. saurus Anker, 2011, holotype, male from Lizard Island, Australia (QM W 29048), lateral view; F, G— A. rubricinctuta Berggren, 1991, ovigerous female from Inhaca, Moçambique (probably allotype, RMNH D 39853), lateral (F) and dorsal (G) view in aquarium; H— A. australis Banner & Banner, 1982; male from Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia (NMV), lateral view. Photographs: A, B, E, by the author; C, by R. Goto; D, by Y. Yamada; F, G, by M. Berggren; H, by M. Marmach / Museum Victoria.";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Athanopsis platyrhynchus Coutière, 1897: type specimen from Djibouti: A, anterior carapace, dorsal view; B, same, lateral view; C, rostrum and right frontal appendages, dorsal view; D, major cheliped, mesial view; E, minor cheliped, mesial view (all figures adapted from Coutière 1899).";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Map of the Indo-West Pacific showing all collection localities for seven species of Athanopsis Coutière, 1897: A. platyrhynchus Coutière, 1897 (Djibouti; Pohnpei record questionable); A. dentipes Miya, 1980 (Japan: Nomo Bay, Sea of Ariake); A. brevirostris Banner & Banner, 1981 (Eritrea: Dahlak Archipelago; Madagascar: Nosy-Bé; Japan: Okinawa); A. australis Banner & Banner, 1982 (Australia: Port Phillip Bay); A. rubricinctuta Berggren, 1991 (Mozambique: Inhaca); A. saurus Anker, 2011 (Australia: Lizard Island); A. gotoi sp. nov. (Japan: Amami-shima, Okinawa; Indonesia: Talaud Islands).";