dc:title"Molecular systematics of Jania species (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) from south-eastern Australia based on cox 1 and psbA DNA sequence analyses";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of Jania species (Rhodophyta) based on cox1 gene with focus on specimens from south-eastern Australia. Numbers above branches represent non-parametric bootstrap support (values <70 omitted). Tree tip names are composed by species name, GenBank accession number and specimen locality (for sequences downloaded from GenBank), or species name, herbarium code for all sequenced specimens presented by that sequence, and specimen locality (for sequences produced in this study, all marked in bold). Scale bar = substitutions per site.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Maximum likelihood phylogeny of Jania species based on psbA gene focusing on specimens from south-eastern Australia. Numbers above branches represent non-parametric bootstrap support (values <70 omitted). Species names are followed by GenBank accession number and specimen locality (for sequences downloaded from GenBank), or species name, herbarium codes for all specimens sharing that particular haplotype, and specimen locality (marked in bold for sequences produced in this study). Scale bar = substitutions per site.";