dc:title"A Unitary Association-based conodont biozonation of the Smithian-Spathian boundary (Early Triassic) and associated biotic crisis from South China";
dc:description"Fig. 20 Novispathodinae from Qiakong,Laren and Lilong. Magnification is ×80.The scale bar is 400 μm. All elements are considered to be P1 elements if not specifically identified otherwise. A–G, K–M, Q, X Novispathodus ex gr. abruptus (Orchard); A LAR212, PIMUZ 39213; B LAR207, PIMUZ 39214; C LAR205,PIMUZ 39215; D LAR202, PIMUZ 39216;E LAR202, PIMUZ 39217; F LIL506, PIMUZ 39218; G LAR210, PIMUZ 39219; K LIL505,PIMUZ 39220; L LIL506, PIMUZ 39221; M LIL505,PIMUZ 39222; Q LAR203,PIMUZ 39223; X QIA136,PIMUZ 39224. H, V Novispathodus sp. indet.; H QIA136, PIMUZ 39291; V, QIA134, PIMUZ 39292. I, J, P, AA Novispathodus n. sp. Z; I QIA138, PIMUZ 39247;J QIA138,PIMUZ 39248; P LIL506, PIMUZ 39249; AA QIA136, PIMUZ 39250. N, O, S Novispathodus ex gr. pingdingshanensis (Zhao & Orchard); N LIL506, PIMUZ 39234; O LIL505, PIMUZ 39235; S QIA136, PIMUZ 39236. R sp.indet.; LIL511, PIMUZ 39296. T, Y, Z Novispathodus n. sp. A; T QIA134,PIMUZ 39256,Y QIA135, PIMUZ 39257; Z QIA134, PIMUZ 39258. U Novispathodus expansus (Zhao & Orchard); QIA134, PIMUZ 39242. W Novispathodus gryphus n. sp.; QIA135, PIMUZ 39246";
dc:description"Fig. 18 Novispathodinae from Laren and Lilong. Magnification is ×80.The scale bar is 400 μm. All elements are considered to be P1 elements if not specifically identified otherwise.A, B, D, F, L–N, Q, S, T Novispathodus praebrevissimus n. sp.; A LIL506,PIMUZ 39274; B LAR207, PIMUZ 39275; D LIL508, PIMUZ 39276; F LIL507, PIMUZ 39277;L LIL507, PIMUZ 39278; M LIL509, PIMUZ 39279; N LIL507,PIMUZ 39280; Q LIL507, PIMUZ 39281; S LIL507, PIMUZ 39282; T LIL507, PIMUZ 39283. C, O, R Novispathodus?praebrevissimus n. sp.; C LAR204,PIMUZ 39284; O LIL507, PIMUZ 39285; R LIL507, PIMUZ 39286. E, I Novispathodus ex gr. pingdingshanensis (Zhao & Orchard); E LIL507,PIMUZ 39232, I LIL507, PIMUZ 39233. G Triassospathodus aff. symmetricus (Orchard);LIL507, PIMUZ 39309. H Novispathodus ex gr. abruptus (Orchard); LIL507, PIMUZ 39212. J, K Novispathodus praebrevissimus (juvenile) n. sp.; J LIL507, PIMUZ 39287; K LIL507,PIMUZ 39288. P Novispathodus robustispinus (Zhao & Orchard); LIL507,PIMUZ 39290";