dc:description"Figures 151–162: Scatter plots showing variation in morphometric ratios of species of Butheolus and Xenobuthus gen. n. Figs. 151–156. Selected ratios of males (♂). B. gallagheri: black filled symbols; B. harrisoni: orange filled symbols; B. thalassinus: cyan circles; X. anthracinus: magenta circles; X. xanthus: yellow circles. Figs. 157–162. Selected ratios of females (♀). B. gallagheri: black open symbols; B. harrisoni: orange open symbols; B. villosus: light green circles; X. anthracinus: magenta circles; X. xanthus: yellow circles. Abbreviations: L, length; W, width (carapace W = posterior width), D depth.";
dc:description"Figures 326–329: Right lateral eye clusters of Xenobuthus gen. n. Figs. 326–327. X. anthracinus, adult male (326) and adult female (327). Figs. 328–329. X. xanthus sp. n., adult male (328) and adult female (329). Locality data as in Tab. 7. UV fluorescence. Scale bar: 100 µm, for all panels.";
dc:description"Figures 330–337: Diagnostic characters of genera Butheolus and Xenobuthus gen. n.. Figs. 330–331. Hemispermatophore basal lobes of B. gallagheri (330) and X. anthracinus (331); axial views of right (330) and mirrored left (331) hemispermatophore. Oriented with convex side up, anterior margin left and posterior margin right. Abbreviations: b, basal lobe; m, median lobe. Scale bars: 50 µm. Figs. 332–337. Dentition of posterior margin of sternite IV in male B. gallagheri (332), B. harrisoni sp. n. (333), X. anthracinus (334), X. xanthus sp. n. (335), Hottentotta jayakari (Pocock, 1895) (336) and H. pellucidus Lowe, 2010 (337). UV fluorescence. Scale bars: 100 µm. Locality data: 330 and 332, as in Tab. 1; 331 and 334, as in Tab. 7; 333, paratype male, same locality as holotype; 335, holotype; 336, Oman, Rte 13, ca. 5.9 km E junction Wadi Mistal Rd, 23°21.33'N 57°38.21'E, 460 m a.s.l., 26.IX.1994, leg. G, Lowe, M.D. Gallagher; 337, Oman, Jabal Bani Jabir, IX.1995, 1800 m a.s.l., leg A. Francois, C. DeLise (ONHM).";
dc:description"Figure 338. Map of records in the Arabian Peninsula of Butheolus and Xenobuthus gen. n. Symbols show locations of collection records of species examined in this study. B. gallagheri: black circles; B. harrisoni: orange circles; B. thalassinus: cyan circles; B. villosus: light green circle; X. anthracinus: magenta squares; X. xanthus: yellow squares. Locality data are from specimens examined, except for the type locality and two additional published records of B. thalassinus. The indefinite type locality of X. anthracinus (Hadramaut “by the way”; Pocock, 1895) is not plotted. Map scale: 150 km.";
dc:description"Figures 313–316: Leg tarsi and tibiae of male Xenobuthus gen. n. xanthus sp. n. Holotype male (♂). Retrolateral aspect, left leg I (313), II (314), III (315), IV (316) tibia, basitarsus and telotarsus. White light illumination. Scale bar: 1 mm.";
dc:description"Figures 320–325: Metasoma and telson of Xenobuthus gen. n. xanthus sp. n. Figs. 320–322. Holotype male (♂). Dorsal (320), right lateral (321) and ventral (322) aspects. Figs. 323–325. Paratype female (♀), #2 in Table 7. Dorsal (323), right lateral (324) and ventral (325) aspects. Scale bars: 2 mm.";
dc:description"Figures 270: Habitus of juvenile female Xenobuthus gen. n. xanthus sp. n. Dorsal aspect, showing juvenile color pattern. Oman, east of Jabal Qamr, coastal wadi, 16°53.71'N 53°48.75'E, 28.IX.1995, leg. G. Lowe, M.D. Gallagher. White light illumination. Scale bar: 5 mm.";
dc:description"Figures 262–263: Habitus of male Xenobuthus gen. n. xanthus sp. n. Fig. 262. Dorsal aspect. Fig. 263. Ventral aspect. Holotype male (♂). Scale bar: 5 mm.";
dc:description"Figures 264–265: Prosoma and mesosoma of male Xenobuthus gen. n. xanthus sp. n. Fig. 264. Dorsal aspect, carapace and tergites. Fig. 265. Ventral aspect, coxosternal area and sternites. Holotype male. Scale bar: 2 mm.";
dc:description"Figures 266–267: Habitus of female Xenobuthus gen. n. xanthus sp. n. Fig. 266. Dorsal aspect. Fig. 267. Ventral aspect. Paratype female (♀), #2 in Table 7. Scale bar: 5 mm.";
dc:description"Figures 258–261: Chelicerae of male Xenobuthus gen. n. anthracinus (Pocock, 1895) and X. xanthus sp. n. Figs. 258–259. X. anthracinus, right chelicera, dorsal (258) and ventral (259) aspect. Same locality data as male in Table 7. Figs. 260–261. X. xanthus sp. n., right chelicera, dorsal (260) and ventral (261) aspect. Holotype male. Scale bar: 500 µm.";
dc:description"Figures 268–269: Prosoma and mesosoma of female Xenobuthus gen. n. xanthus sp. n. Fig. 268. Dorsal aspect, carapace and tergites. Fig. 269. Ventral aspect, coxosternal area and sternites. Paratype female (♀), #2 in Table 7. Scale bar: 2 mm.";
dc:description"Figures 317–319: Hemispermatophore capsule region of Xenobuthus gen. n. xanthus sp. n. Holotype male (♂). Anterior (317), convex (318) and posterior (319) aspects. In convex view (318), the capsule is compressed to show outlines of lobes. White light illumination. Scale bar: 200 µm.";
dc:description"Figures 295–312: Trichobothrial maps and chela finger dentition of Xenobuthus gen. n. xanthus sp. n. Holotype male (♂): dorsal (295), external (296) and ventrointernal (297) aspect of chela; dorsal (301) and external (302) aspect of patella; dorsal (307), external (308) and internal (309) aspect of femur; dentition of movable finger (MF) (303) and fixed finger (FF) (304). Paratype female (♀), #2 in Table 7: dorsal (298), external (299) and ventrointernal (300) aspect of chela; dorsal (305) and external (306) aspect of patella; internal (310), dorsal (311) and external (312) aspect of femur. Scale bars: 1 mm (♂, ♂ dentition, ♀).";