dc:title"Revision and phylogeny of the subaptera-group of Phyllodromica (Blattoptera: Blattellidae: Ectobiinae), including a parthenogenetic species and the evaluation of COI sequences for species identification (DNA barcoding)";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Phyllodromica iberica morph #2, male. A Thoracal nota. B–F Abdominal tergites 5–9. (B) Tergite 5; (C) tergite 6 with a narrow transversal torus (white arrow heads) bearing bristles (white spots) in extraordinary density; (D) tergite 7, white arrow heads point to the shallow pouches appearing as crescent–shaped black shadows; (E) tergite 8; (F) tergite 9 on glass rod. G Terminalia with tergite 10 (sa), cerci and paraprocts. H Hook of left phallomere with the posterior end on the top. I Subgenital plate with remaining genital sclerites (without hook). Abbreviations: ap anterior process, bf bristle field cm central mound, cp conelike process, m mound, ml median lobe, mp medio-anterior process of right paraproct, r ridge between bristle fields, rp right paraproct, sa supraanal plate, se sinusoidal edge, sp shallow pit, tt transversal trough. Same scale for (B, C, G) and (D, E, H). Identification: Sp 267c/M2.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Phyllodromica iberica morph #2, male, SEM pictures of tergite 6 and the tergal glandular structures. A–C Tergite 6. (A) Latero-frontal view from slightly above, white arrows point to two shallow longitudinal depressions posteriorly of the torus (to); (B) dorsal view of the whole tergite; (C) transversal torus with bristles (between arrows) of the right half of the tergite. As a result of the preparation procedure for SEM the posterior margin of the tergite and its emargination in the middle (in B) appear narrower than under natural conditions. D, E Tergite 7. (D) Lateral view of tergite from slightly above; (E) glandular region in dorsal view. F–H Tergite 8. (F) Dorsal view of the whole tergite with median emargination in the distribution of the bristles (white arrow heads); (G) latero-frontal view from slightly above; (H) lateral view of the anterior part of the tergite. Abbreviations: bf bristle field, cm central mound, cp conelike process, m mound, se sinusoidal edge, sp shallow pit, to transversal torus, tr transversal ridge, tt transversal trough. Same scale for (A, B) and (D, F, G). Identification: (A–C) Sp 267b/M6, (D–H) Sp 267b/M4.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. A–E Phyllodromica iberica morph #2, male. (A–D) Different colour patterns of tergite 6; (E) helmet sclerite. F, G Phyllodromica iberica morph #2, female. (F) Thoracal nota; (G) abdominal tergite 5. H Right front leg of Phyllodromica iberica morph #1, male in frontal view. I Right front leg of Phyllodromica quadracantha, male in frontal view. Abbreviations: fr “frontal” part of helmet sclerite, cox coxa, fem femur, hs helmet sclerite re “rear” of helmet sclerite, tib tibia, tm tegmen. Same scale for (A–D), (F, G) and (H, I). Identification: (A) Sp 266/2, (B) Sp 365/3, (C) Sp 365a/M14, (D) Sp 365a/M8, (E) Sp 267c/M1, (F, G) Sp 267c/W2, (H) Sp 510/M11, (I) Sp 203d/M1 (holotype)..";
dc:description"FIGURE 17. Distribution of the bisexual species of the subaptera-group: Phyllodromica iberica morph #1, #2 and #3, and P. quadracantha; these species only occur on the Iberian Peninsula. In cases where two different symbols partly overlap, two P. iberica morphs are found at the same locality; in one case all three morphs occur together (Fig. 15, Sp 510 ca. 1° W, 40° N). P. iberica morph #3 symbols labeled with a “+” (Fig. 15, Sp 335) or an “ ” (Fig. 15, Sp 186, 270, 469 and 512) indicate the presence of morphological variations. At some localities no males have been found (“sad face” symbol) but females with spermathecae containing sperms and/or with oothecae containing male and female offspring. Both facts indicate the presence of a bisexual species of unknown specifity.";