dc:description"PLATE III. Fig. 1. Trachodon (Pteropelyx) marginatus, Lambe, inner side of left ramus of lower jaw, showing the teeth; one-half the natural size. Page 73. e, coronoid process; a, symphyseal surface; b, inner wall of dental chamber; c, mandibular groove; d, foramen. Fig. 2. Trachodon (Pteropelyx) sclwyni, Lambe, inner surface of teeth of lower jaw, to show succession natural size. Page 69. Fig. 3. Grinding surface of teeth of same specimen; natural size. Fig. 4. Scapherpeton tectum, Cope, dorsal vertebra, from the left side; twice the natural size. Page 31. Fig. 5. View from the front, same specimen. Fig. 6. Scaplıerpeton tectuııı, atlas, front view; twice the natural size. Fig. 7. The same, viewed from behind. Fig. 8. The samc, side view from the lcft. y, diapophysis _; z, prezygapophysis; ê, postzygapophysís l; s, neural spine 5 x, anterior articural cup; w, neural canal; v, facet for occipital condyle of skull.";
dc:description"PLATE IV. Fig. 1. Trachodon (Pteropelyx) marginatus, Lambe, outer side of the same mandibular rainus figured on plate III; one-half the natural size. Page 73. Fig. À Trachodon (Pteropelyx) altidens, Lambe, outer side view of left maxilla, one-lialf natural size. The speciman was drawn upside down so as to have a better light on the teeth. Page 76. Fig. 3. Inner view of the same specimen, with part of the inner wall removed to show successional teeth; one-half natural size. Fig. 4. Two teeth from the same specimen, showing the characteristic border sculpture, with the crown of the worn tooth restored, in dotted outline, to show the proportion of length to breadth; twice the natural size. Fig. 5. Trachodon (Pleropelyx) marginatus, Lambe, outer view of apical part of crown of tooth from the maxilla represented on plate V, for comparison with fig. 4; twice the natural size. Page 74. Fig. 6. Trachodon (Pteropclynf) marginatus, crown of one of the teeth of the ramus shown in fig. l of this plate and fig. 1 0 f the preceding plate; twice the natural size. Page 73. Fig. 7. Pteropelyx grallllipes, Cope, crown of tooth of lower jaw, t) show border sculpture; twice the natural size. Introduced for comparison. Page 77. f, grinding surface of teeth a, facet for jugal.";
dc:description"PLATE V Fig. 1. Trac/radon (Pleroııelıııc) ııuırfıivıatım Lainbe. right inaxillarv bone. external view: reduced one- 1¬¬1. ¢_ um» 7.1-.. -..De Fig. 2. The same, internal view. Fig. 3. The same, superior view. a, facet for jugal; b, facet for palatine.","PLATE V Fig. 1. Trachodon (Pteropelyx) marginatus Lainbe. right inaxillarv bone. external view: reduced one- 1¬¬1. ¢_ um» 7.1-.. -..De Fig. 2. The same, internal view. Fig. 3. The same, superior view. a, facet for jugal; b, facet for palatine.";
dc:description"PLATE VI. Fig. 1. Trachodon (Pteropelyx) marginatus, Lambe, left humerus, viewed obliquely from inner front,' one-third natural size. Page Tl. Fig. 2. The same, from outer rear. Fig. 3. Trachodon (Pteropelyx) marginatus, impression of epidermis, from the sandstone in which the above specimen was embedded; natural size. r, radial crest; lı, head; i, inner tuberosity; 0, outer tuberosity; c, outer condyle.";
dc:description"PLATE VII. Fig. 1. Trachodon (Pteropelyx) marginatus, Lambe, left ulna and radius, anterior view; one-third natural size. From the S 8.l119 lll(ll \\’l(ll 1{1l as that to which the humerus, figured on plate VI, belonged. Page 72. Fig. 2. The same, posterior view. 11, ulna r, radius; o, olecranon process.";
dc:description"PLATE VIII. Fig. l. Trachodon (Pteropelyx) marginatus, Lambe, right femur, anterior view; one-fifth the natural size. (Provisionally associated with T. marginatus). Page ÎÎZ. Fig. 2. The same, internal view. Fig. 3. The same, posterior view. h, head; l, great trochanter; m, third trochanter; e, inner condyle.";
dc:description"PLATE IX. Fig. 1. Trachodon (Pteropelyx) marginatus, Lambe, right tibia, external view; fi-ve twenty-thirds the natural size. (Provisionaliy associated with T marginatus). Page 73. Fig. 2. Another tibia of the same species, posterior view; similarly reduced. (Provisionally associated with T. marginatus)";