dc:title"Revision of the genus Dziriblatta Chopard, 1936 (Blattodea, Ectobiidae, Ectobiinae) from North Africa, Spain, and the Macaronesian islands. I. The nine subgenera of the genus";
dc:description"Fig. 18A–J. Male structures. A–D, I: Sulcoblatta obscura. A: T7 glandular pit and pouches, eo edge of pit opening, b bottom of pit, r ridge, bp branched pouch lobe, tp tailpipe of the latter, ps bag-shaped pouch lobe; B: left half of T6, f cuticular folds, e lateral edge, rg rain gutter below the edge, ml mesal limitation of the gutter, shining through; C: rain gutter in still higher enlargement, 90° turned anticlockwise; D: T6 with spatular bristles; I: apical part of hook, ve velum, PC. E–H, J: Macaroblatta dendroglandulosa. E: T4 with spatular bristles; F–H: anterior region of T7 with glandular structures, tg branches of right (F) or left (G) tubular gland, respectively, o site where the secretions of the glands enter the pit, b bottom of pit with four small holes (h), r longitudinal ridge, w wall bordering the pit anteriorly and laterally, pm preglandular margin with numerous glandular pores; J: spatular bristle of T6, SEM – Enlargements: Same scale for C–E,G and for F,H. – Identifications: A,C, D,I (Ma 189/1), B (Ma 189/13), E–G (Ca 99/1), H (slide: Bo 223), J (Ca 99/3).";
dc:description"Fig. 19A–Q. Outline of the structures of Macaroblatta dendroglandulosa. Male: A–H, J–M. A: T1–4; B: T5; C: T6, arrows in B,C point to a broad lateral excavation of the anterior margin of the tergite; D: T7, with a gland consisting of a pair of branched tubules (tg) and a broad shallow pit (between arrows) with four small holes (compare Fig. 18F); E: T8; F: T9; G: T10 with excavated posterior border (arrow), ap medio-anterior arm of left paraproct; H: left tegmen; J,L: hook, k keel along the external margin of the claw, t trough; K: S9, ea endophallic apodeme, cs cleft sclerite, R'3 sclerite, no scale sclerite present; M: pronotum and basal parts of tegmina. Female: I, N–Q. I: left tegmen; N: thoracal nota; O: T5; P: dorsal genital complex, bd, bv dorsal, ventral basivalvular sclerites, sp spermathcal sclerite; Q: ventral genital complex. – Enlargements: Same scale for A–G, for K,L, for N,O, and for P,Q. – Identifications: A–F,H (Ca 99/1), G,M (Ca 98/1), J,L (Ca 98/2), K (slide: Bo 223), I,O–Q (Ca 99/2), N (slide: Bo 139). Notice that colouration of tergites (A–F) – in vivo almost black – is rather strongly bleached during preparation.";
dc:description"Fig. 20A–L. Male structures of Macaroblatta species. A,B: T7 with gland structures of M. cf. infumata (A) and M. brullei (B), p pouch, pi pit structures, pm preglandular margin. C–F: posterior part of T10, ventral view, notice different shape of posterior margin, with knoblike processes (arrows) and/or excavations; C: M. brullei, D: M. dendroglandulosa, E: M. spec. B, from Gomera, F: M. pallidula. G,H: S9, no scale sclerites present, aa anterior apodeme, the unusual shortness of the right one in H is an artefact possibly caused by injury, ea endophallic apodeme, cs cleft sclerite, R'3 sclerite, s right stylus, arrows point the position of the reduced left stylus; G: M. spec. I, from Hierro, H: M. spec. E, from La Palma. I–L: hook, t trough, ve velum, LM pictures in K,L, PC pictures in I,J; I,K: M. brullei, L,J: M. cf. infumata. – Enlargements: Same scale in G,H. – Identifications: A,J,L (Md 8a/3), B (slide: Bo 150), C (slide: Bo 131), D (Ca 89/1), E (Ca 20/1), F (Ca 22/1), G (Ca 56/1), H (Ca 41/4), I,K (Ca 10/1).";