dc:description"Fig. 8. – Grimmia laevigata (Brid.) Brid. A. Transverse section of stem; B, C. Leaves; D. Outlines of transverse section of leaf; E. Cells in leaf base; F, G. Transverse sections of leaves. [A, C, D-F: Hedderson 13782, BOL; B: Hedderson 13219, BOL; C, G: Lübenau SA 62, STU]";
dc:description"Fig. 9. – Grimmia longirostris Hook.: A. Transverse section of stem; B. Leaf; C. Outlines of transverse section of leaf; D. Cells in leaf base; E. Cells in transitional part; F. Transverse section of leaf. [A: Esterhuysen 21637, BOL; B-E: Schelpe 2116, BOL; F: Esterhuysen 35931, BOL]";
dc:description"Fig. 3. – Grimmia consobrina Müll. Hal. A. Transverse section of stem; B. Leaves; C. Outlines of transverse section of leaf; D. Cells in leaf base; E. Cells in transitional part of leaf; F-G. Transverse sections of leaves. [A-B, G: Hedderson 13754, BOL; C: Hedderson 13726, BOL; D - E: Hedderson 13088, BOL; F: Hedderson 13678, BOL].";
dc:description"Fig. 5. – Grimmia elongata Kaulf. A. Transverse section of stem, with central strand; B. Transverse section of stem, without central strand; C, D. Leaves; E. Outlines of transverse section of leaf; F. Cells in leaf base and transitional part; G. Dorsal cells of costa in apical part; H. Transverse section of leaf. [A, B, E: Hedderson 15449, BOL; C, F: Hedderson 15448, BOL; D, H: Hedderson 15455, BOL; G: Matcham 1094 a, herb. Matcham]";
dc:description"Fig. 7. – Grimmia kidderi James. A. Plant; B. Young shoot; C. Leaflet of young shoot; D. Transverse section of stem; E. Leaves; F. Outlines of transverse section of leaf; G. Cells in leaf base; H. Cells in transitional part; I. Transverse section of leaf. [A-C: Hedderson 13724, BOL; D-G, I: Hedderson 13081, BOL; H: Hedderson 13744, BOL]";
dc:description"Fig. 13. – Grimmia pygmaea Müll. Hal. A. Transverse section of stem; B, C. Leaves; D, E. Outlines of transverse sections of leaves; F. Cells in leaf base; G. Cells in transitional part; H. Cells in leaf base; I. Cells in transitional part; J, K. Transverse sections of leaves. [A: Duckett & Matcham 1246a, Herb. Matcham; B, D, F, G, J: Esterhuysen 35934, BOL; C, E, H, I: Hilliard & Burtt, BM; K: Magill 4204, BOL]";
dc:description"Fig. 11. – Grimmia orbicularis Wilson. A. Transverse section of stem; B, C. Leaves; D. Outlines of transverse section of leaf; E, G. Cells in leaf base; F. Cells in transitional part; H. Transverse section of leaf. [A: Hedderson 15285, BOL; B, E: MacOwen s.n., BM; C, F-H: Hedderson 15264, BOL; D, Hedderson 13047, BOL]";
dc:description"Fig. 14. – Grimmia sessitana De Not. A. Transverse section of stem; B. Leaf; C. Outlines of transverse section of leaf; D. Cells in leaf base of upper stem leaf; E. Cells in leaf base of lower stem leaf; F. Transverse section of leaf. [A, C, F: Esterhuysen 20971, BOL; B, D, E: Schelpe 8037, BOL]";
dc:description"Fig. 15. – Grimmia tortuosa Hook. f. & Wilson: A. Plant; B. Transverse section of stem, with central strand; C. Transverse section of stem, without central strand; D. Leaf; E. Outlines of transverse section of leaf; F. Cells in leaf base; G. Cells at leaf margin in the broadest part of leaf; H. Transverse section of leaf. [A-H: Hedderson 14459, BOL]";
dc:description"Fig. 10. – Grimmia montana Bruch & Schimp. A. Transverse section of stem; B. Leaf; C. Hair-point; D, E. Outlines of transverse sections of leaves; F. Cells in leaf base; G. Cells at margin above shoulder; H, I. Transverse sections of leaves; J, K. Transverse sections of costae at insertion. [A, C: Hedderson 13706, BOL; B, F, G, I: Hedderson 14491, BOL; D, J: Hedderson 14482, BOL; E: Hedderson 13645, BOL; H: Hedderson 14990, BOL; K: Hedderson 14501, BOL]";
dc:description"Fig. 12. – Grimmia pulvinata (Hedw.) Sm. A. Transverse section of stem; B, C. Leaves; D, E. Outlines of transverse sections of leaves; F, G. Cells in leaf base; H, I. Transverse sections of leaves. [A, D, H: Hedderson 13601, BOL; C, F: Hedderson 13148, BOL; B, E, I: Hedderson 13851, BOL; G: Hedderson 13677, BOL]";
dc:description"Fig. 6. – Grimmia fuscolutea Hook. A. Transverse section of stem; B. Leaf; C. Outlines of transverse sections of leaf; D. Cells in leaf base; E. Cells in transitional part; F, G, H. Transverse sections of leaves. [A-E, H: Hilliard & Burtt 7115, BOL; F: Schelpe 7682, BOL; G: Schelpe 2115, PRE]";