dc:description"FIGURE 2. Rhamphobrachium (Minibrachium) nutrix n. sp. (A, B), R. (M.) fractum n. sp., (C – G) and R. (M.) talboti n. sp., (H – I). A. Distal part of recurved hook from chaetiger 1; B. Subacicular hook from chaetiger 20; C. Anterior part of body; D. Distal part of recurved hook from chaetiger 1; E. Compound subacicular hook from chaetiger 3; F. Pseudocompound subacicular hook from chaetiger 3; G. Simple subacicular hook from chaetiger 4; H. Mandibles; I. Part of maxillary apparatus (MxI, MxII and MxIII are shown).";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Rhamphobrachium (Minibrachium) talboti n. sp., AM W. 47838.001. A. Anterior part of body, ventral view; B. The same, lateral view; C. Parapodium from chaetiger 3; D. The same, enlarged; E. Parapodium from chaetiger 9; F. The same, enlarged; G. Distal part of recurved hook from chaetiger 1; H – J. Shafts of recurved hooks with movable spines; K. Pectinate chaeta from chaetiger 13. Abbreviations: la = lateral antenna, ll = lower lip, ma = median antenna, mx = maxillae, p = palp, per = peristomium, ul = upper lip, vc = ventral cirrus.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Rhamphobrachium (Minibrachium) fractum n. sp., AM W. 47834.001. A. Anterior part of body, lateral view; B. Parapodia from chaetigers 3 – 5; C. Compound subacicular hooks from chaetiger 3; D. Simple subacicular hooks from chaetiger 4; E. Parapodium from chaetiger 19; F. Simple subacicular hook from chaetiger 23; G. Pectinate chaeta from chaetiger 13; H. Posterior end, dorsolateral view, showing pygidium with anus and anal cirri. Abbreviations: ac = anal cirrus, dc = dorsal cirrus, la = lateral antenna, ma = median antenna, p = palp, vgp = ventral glandular pad.";