dc:description"Fig. 4. Spintherobolus broccae, USNM 287324, adult male, 17.9 mm SL. Head and anterior body region, right side. Two pseudotympanums, black areas are located posterior to the dorsal portion of the opercular opening. The posterior pseudotympanum is homologous with the single pseudotympanum of other Cheirodontines while the anterior pseudotympanum is found only in Spintherobolus. The small dark dots arranged in rows arer the neuromast pattern over the face and opercular region. In the region ventral to the pectoral fin a few neuromasts can be seen partly bordering the scales. Such neuromasts are also present in the dorsal or back region. However, these are sometimes hard to distinguish from the somewhat larger dark chromatophores that often have somewhat indistinct borders. The rows of neuromasts are especially clear in the infraorbital region and on the dentary.";
dc:description"Fig. 10. Spintherobolus papilliferus, MNRJ 4237, female, 34.7 mm SL, head region, left side, Brazil, São Paulo, rio Ipiranga. Rows of neuromasts occur over the infraorbital, preopercular, and opercular region. These are distributed in shallow grooves that can be seen in the photograph. The neuromasts are also distributed on the scale borders posterior to the head and operculum but these are hard to distinguish from dark chromatophores in the photograph. A row of neuromasts along the ventral border of the dentary is hidden in a deep groove. The small dark dots arranged in rows are the neuromast patterns over the face and opercular region. In the region ventral to the pectoral fin a few neuromasts can be seen partly bordering the scales. Such neuromasts are also present in the dorsal or back region. However, these are sometimes hard to distinguish from the somewhat larger dark chromatophores that often have somewhat indistinct borders. The rows of neuromasts are especially clear in the infraorbital region.";
dc:description"Fig. 11. Spintherobolus papilliferus, MZUSP 51021, female 60.8 mm SL. Dorsum of head and back nearly to dorsal-fin origin. Neuromasts are present in the irregular grooves between the eyes and the supraoccipital region but these are nearly impossible to see in the photograph. A bilaterally distributed row of neuromasts runs along the long axis of the body between the nares. This row of neuromasts shows more clearly on the left side than on the right side of the top of the head.";
dc:description"Fig. 9. Spintherobolus ankoseion, USNM 297935, adult male, 24.5 mm SL. Anal-fin rays and associated pterygiophores, left side, anterior to right.";
dc:description"Fig. 15. Spintherobolus leptoura, USNM 346386, adult male, paratype, 21.8 mm SL. Anal fin, lateral view, left side, showing the distribution of pigment pattern on the fin and the derived nature of branched rays 2 through 5.";
dc:description"Fig. 17. Spintherobolus papilliferus, MZUSP 51022, juvenile, 23.9 mm SL. Anterior and posterior pseudotympanums of left side, anterior is to the right. The skin and scales were removed, exposing the muscles of the lateral body wall, pleural ribs of the fifth and sixth vertebrae (first and second pleural ribs), and the black, pigmented wall of the swimbladder. The larger black area to the left represents thepseudotympanum present in all cheirodontines, while the black area to the right is the area of the anterior pseudotympanum character istic of the species of Spintherobolus.";
dc:description"Fig. 8. Spintherobolus ankoseion, USNM 297935, adult male, 24.5 mm SL. Osteology of ventral procurrent caudal-fin rays and associated bony structures, anterior to right.";
dc:description"Fig. 20. Tukey box plots of the number of branched anal-fin rays in species of Spintherobolus. Visual comparison of these box plots shows that the anal-fin ray counts of S. papilliferus are obviously different from all other species. Also, although there is overlap, the counts of S. broccae are obviously significantly different from those of S. leptoura and S. ankoseion. However, there were no significant differences between the counts of S. leptoura and S. ankoseion when subject to a Mann-Whitney rank-sum test.";
dc:description"Fig. 21. Tukey box plots of the number of vertebrae in species of Spintherobolus. Visual comparison of these box plots shows that the vertebral counts of S. papilliferus are obviously different from all other species. Those of S. broccae and S. leptoura are not significantly different and those of S. ankoseion, although overlapping with those of S. broccae and 5. leptoura are significantly different from these two species when subject to Mann- Whitney rank-sum tests (T = 398, P <0.001 and T = 246, P <0.001 respectively).";
dc:description"Fig. 22. Tukey box plots of the number of longitudinal series scales in species of Spintherobolus. Visual comparison of these box plots shows that these scale counts of S. papilliferus are obviously different from all the other species. The counts of. S. leptoura may be different from those of S. broccae and S. ankoseion, but the available counts for S. leptoura are too few (3) for useful statistical comparisons. The counts of S. broccae and S. ankoseion are not significantly different.";