dc:description"FIGURE 30. Syntype of Heliosmylus fraternus Banks, 1931 (NHMUK010594410, female). Labels: (1) printed on white circular paper with a red edge: “Type”; (2) printed with handwritten inscriptions on red paper: “B.N. Borneo. Mt. Kinabalu, Kamborangah, 7000 ft. April 2nd 1929.”/ printed on the reverse side of the same paper: “H.M.Pendlebury coll. F.M.S.Museums”; (3) handwritten on faded white paper: “Heliosmylus fraternus Bks type”; (4) printed on white paper: “Ex. F.M.S. Museum. B.M.1955-354.”; (5) printed on white paper: “NHMUK010594410/ also encoded in one datamatrix barcode”.";
dc:description"FIGURE 31. Syntype of Heliosmylus fraternus Banks, 1931 (NHMUK010594864, female). Labels: (1) printed on white circular paper with a yellow edge: “Paratype”; (2) printed with handwritten inscriptions on red paper: “B.N. Borneo. Mt. Kinabalu, Kamborangah, 7000 ft. 4:4:1929.”/ printed on the reverse side of the same paper: “H.M. Pendlebury coll. F.M.S. Museums”; (3) printed on white paper: “Ex. F.M.S. Museum. B.M.1955-354.”; (4) printed on white paper: “NHMUK010594864/ also encoded in one datamatrix barcode”.";
dc:description"FIGURE 32. Holotype of Osmylus conspersus Walker, 1853 (NHMUK010594181, female). Labels: (1) printed on white circular paper with a green edge: “Type”; (2) handwritten on faded white circular paper: “E. Ind.”/ handwritten on the reverse side of the same paper: “43. 43” [B.M. 1843-43]; (3) handwritten on faded white paper: “O. cons-persus, W. type.”; (4) printed with handwritten inscriptions: “Damaged in Transit/ det. S.J. Brooks, 1990”; (5) “NHMUK010594181/ also encoded in one datamatrix barcode”.";
dc:description"FIGURE 33. Holotype of Osmylus flavicornis McLachlan, 1875 (NHMUK010594170, female). Labels: (1) printed on white circular paper with a red edge: “Type”; (2) printed on pink paper: “Type”; (3) printed on faded white paper: “Japan. Pryer.”; (4) handwritten on faded white paper: “Osmylus flavicornis, ML.”; (5) printed on blue paper: “McLachlan Coll. B.M.1938-674.”; (6) printed on white paper: “NHMUK010594170/ also encoded in one datamatrix barcode”.";
dc:description"FIGURE 34. Holotype of Osmylus inquinatus McLachlan, 1870 (NHMUK010593686, male). Labels: (1) printed on white circular paper with a red edge: “Type”; (2) handwritten on faded white circular paper: “Cer.”; (3) printed on faded white paper: “Wallace”; (4) printed on faded white paper: “Saunders, 68. 3” [B.M. 1868-3]; (5) handwritten on blue paper: “Osmylus inquinatus, ML.”; (6) printed with handwritten inscriptions on faded white paper: “Spilosmylus inquinatus McLchl./ Long. Navás. det.”; (7) printed on white paper: “NHMUK010593686/ also encoded in one datamatrix barcode”.";
dc:description"FIGURE 35. Holotype of Osmylus interlineatus McLachlan, 1870 (NHMUK010594166, male). Labels: (1) handwritten on the specimen card: “India?”; (2) printed on white circular paper with a red edge: “Type”; (3) handwritten on blue circular paper: “pt Natal”/ handwritten on the reverse side of the same paper: “58.13.” [B.M. 1858-13]; (4) Handwritten on blue paper: “Osmylus interlineatus Ml.”; (5) printed with handwritten description on faded white paper: “Spilosmylus interlineatus M’L./ Long. Navás. det.”; (6) printed on white paper: “NHMUK010594166/ also encoded in one datamatrix barcode”.";
dc:description"FIGURE 36. Lectotype of Osmylus langii McLachlan, 1870 (NHMUK010594267, male). Labels (1) printed on white circular paper with a red edge: “Type”; (2) printed on pink paper: “Type”; (3) handwritten on faded white paper: “Masuri 7000’/ 24 June 1868”; (4) handwritten on faded white paper: “Lang.”; (5) handwritten on faded white paper: “Osmylus langii, ML.”; (6) printed on blue paper: “McLachlan Coll. B.M. 1938-674.”; (7) printed on white paper: “NHMUK010594267/ also encoded in one datamatrix barcode”.";
dc:description"FIGURE 37. Syntype of Osmylus lineatocollis McLachlan, 1870 (NHMUK010594395, female). Labels: (1) printed on white circular paper with a red edge: “Type”; (2) handwritten on blue circular paper: “N. Ind.”/ handwritten on the reverse side of the same paper: “55 76” [B.M. 1855-76]; (3) handwritten on blue paper: “Osmylus lineatocollis Ml.”; (4) printed on white paper: “NHMUK010594395/ also encoded in one datamatrix barcode”.";
dc:description"FIGURE 38. Syntype of Osmylus lineatocollis McLachlan, 1870 (NHMUK010594316, male). Labels: (1) printed on white circular paper with a red edge: “Type”; (2) handwritten on blue circular paper: “N. Ind.”/ handwritten on the reverse side of the same paper: “55 76” [1855-76]; (3) printed on white paper: “NHMUK010594316/ also encoded in one datamatrix barcode”.";
dc:description"FIGURE 39. Holotype of Osmylus tuberculatus Walker, 1853 (NHMUK010594419, sex undetermined). Labels: (1) printed on white circular paper with a green edge: “Type”; (2) handwritten on faded white circular paper: “E. Ind.”/ handwritten on the reverse side of the same paper: “43. 43.” [B.M. 1843-43]; (3) handwritten on faded white paper: “O. tuberculatus/ E. Indies.”; (4) printed on white paper: “NHMUK010594419/ also encoded in one datamatrix barcode”.";
dc:description"FIGURE 40. Holotype of Lysmus leucomatodes Navás, 1911a (NHMUK010593076, sex undetermined). Labels: (1) printed on white circular paper with a red edge: “Type”; (2) printed on faded white paper: “Congo 1900-120.” [B.M. 1900-120]; (3) handwritten on faded white paper: “Lysmus leucomatodes Nav.”; (4) printed on white paper: “NHMUK010593076/ also encoded in one datamatrix barcode”.";
dc:description"FIGURE 41. Syntype of Lysmus nikkoensis Navás, 1911b (NHMUK010594271, sex undetermined). Labels: (1) printed on white circular paper with a red edge: “Type”; (2) Printed on faded white paper: “Nikko, Sept., 1886. Leech”/ handwritten on the reverse side of the same paper: “.87.1.” [B.M. 1887-1]; (3) handwritten on faded white paper: “Lysmus nikkoensis Nav.”; (4) printed on white paper: “NHMUK010594271/ also encoded in one datamatrix barcode”.";
dc:description"FIGURE 42. Holotype of Spilosmylus alleni New, 1991 (NHMUK010594329, female). Labels: (1) handwritten on red paper: “Holotype”; (2) printed with handwritten in white paper: “Thailand: 1200m Khao Yai NP/ 17.IV.1987/ Col. M.G.Allen”; (3) printed on white paper: “M.G.Allen BM 1986-300”; (4) Handwritten on white paper: “Spilosmylus alleni, New - Holotype, ♀”; (5) “NHMUK010594329/ also encoded in one datamatrix barcode”.";
dc:description"FIGURE 43. Syntype of Spilosmylus ceyloniensis Esben-Petersen, 1927a (NMHUK010593981, probably female). Labels: (1) printed on white circular paper with a red edge: “Type”; (2) handwritten on faded white paper: “N’Eliya Ceylon 24-IV-14”; (3) printed with handwritten inscriptions on faded white paper: “Spilosmylus ceyloniensis n.sp/ det. Esben-Petersen”; (4) handwritten on faded white paper: “Sent by G.M.Henry.”; (5) printed on faded white paper: “Pres. by Imp. Bur. Ent. Brit. Mus. 1927- 71.”; (6) printed on white paper: “NMHUK010593981/ also encoded in one datamatrix barcode”.";
dc:description"FIGURE 44. Syntype of Spilosmylus ceyloniensis Esben-Petersen, 1927 (NMHUK010594965, probably female). Labels: (1) printed on white circular paper with a yellow edge: “Paratype”; (2) handwritten on faded white paper: “N’Eliya Ceylon 24-IV- 14”; (3) printed with handwritten inscriptions on faded white paper: “Spilosmylus ceyloniensis n.sp/ det. Esben-Petersen”; (4) handwritten on faded white paper: “Sent by G.M.Henry.”; (5) printed on faded white paper: “Pres. by Imp. Bur. Ent. Brit. Mus. 1927-71.”; (6) printed on white paper: “NMHUK010594965/ also encoded in one datamatrix barcode”.";
dc:description"FIGURE 45. Holotype of Spilosmylus inthanonensis New, 1991 (NHMUK010594036, male). Labels: (1) handwritten on red paper: “Holotype”; (2) printed on white paper: “NW. THAILAND: 1700m /Doi Inthanon NP/ 25-27.viii.1987/ Col. M.G.Allen.”; (3) printed on white paper: “Col. M.G.Allen/ B.M. 1987-364”; (4) handwritten on white paper: “Spilosmylus inthanonensis New/ - Holotype, ³”; (5) printed on white paper: “NHMUK010594036/ also encoded in one datamatrix barcode”.";
dc:description"FIGURE 46. Holotype of Spilosmylus lichenoides Navás, 1913 (NHMUK010594384, sex undetermined). Labels: (1) handwritten on red paper: “Typus”; (2) printed with handwritten inscriptions on faded white paper: “locality-record lost, but probably:/ Malay Peninsula. Skeat Expedition. Reg. 30, xi, 1899.”; (3) printed with handwritten inscriptions on faded white paper: “Spilosmylus? lichenoides Nav./ Navás S.J. det.”; (4) printed with handwritten inscriptions on faded white paper: “Brit. Mus. 1950-556”; (5) handwritten on white paper: “Spilosmylus (?) lichenoides Navás”/ printed on blue paper that is glued on this label: “Type”.; (6) printed on white paper: “NHMUK010594384/ also encoded in one datamatrix barcode”.";
dc:description"FIGURE 47. Lectotype of Stigmatosmylus pretiosus Banks, 1931 (NHMUK010594125, female). Labels: (1) printed on white circular paper with a red edge: “Type”; (2) printed with handwritten inscriptions on red paper: “B.N. Borneo. Mt. Kinabalu, Lumu Lumu, 5500 ft. 8:4: 1929.”/ printed on the reverse side of the same paper: “H.M. Pendlebury coll. F.M.S. Museums”; (3) handwritten on brown paper: “Stigmatosmylus pretiosus Bks type”; (4) printed on white paper: “Ex. F.M.S. Museum. B.M.1955-354.”; (5) printed on white paper: “NHMUK010594125/ also encoded in one datamatrix barcode”.";
dc:description"FIGURE 48. Lectotype of Thaumatosmylus delicatus Banks, 1931 (NHMUK010594424, female). Labels: (1) printed on white circular paper with a red edge: “Type”; (2) printed with handwritten inscriptions on red paper: “B.N.Borneo. Mt. Kinabalu, Kamborangah, 7000 ft. Mar. 31st 1929.”/ printed on the reverse side of the same paper: “H.M.Pendlebury coll. F.M.S.Museums”; (3) handwritten on brown paper: “Thaumatosmylus delicatus Bks type”; (4) printed on white paper: “Ex F.M.S. Museum. B.M.1955-354.”; (5) printed on white paper: “NHMUK010594424/ also encoded in one datamatrix barcode”.";
dc:description"FIGURE 49. Holotype of Thyridosmylus langii angustus Kimmins, 1942 (NHMUK010594269, male). Labels: (1) printed on white circular paper with a red edge: “Type”; (2) printed on faded white paper: “Khasis. Nat. Coll.”; (3) printed with handwritten inscriptions on faded white paper: “Thryridosmylus langii angustus Kimm./ Type ³/ det. D.E.Kimmins.”; (4) printed on blue paper: “McLachlan Coll. B.M. 1938-674.”; (5) printed on white paper: “NHMUK010594269/ also encoded in one datamatrix barcode”.";
dc:description"FIGURE 50. Holotype of Thyridosmylus perspicillaris fenestratus Kimmins, 1942 (NHMUK010594296, female). Labels: (1) printed on white circular paper with a red edge: “Type”; (2) printed with handwritten inscriptions on faded white paper: “India: Nilgris Gudalur./ 4.000’/ Maj. F.C. Fraser.”; (3) printed on faded white paper: “Brit.Mus.1925-223”; (4) printed with handwritten inscriptions on faded white paper: “Thryridosmylus perspicillaris fenestratus Kimmins ♀/ det. K.E. Kimmins.”; (5) printed on white paper: “NHMUK010594296/ also encoded in one datamatrix barcode”.";
dc:description"FIGURE 51. Holotype of Thyridosmylus perspicillaris minor Kimmins, 1942 (NHMUK010594390, male). Labels: (1) printed on white circular paper with a red edge: “Type”; (2) handwritten on faded white paper: “Phedong Sikkim”; (3) printed with handwritten inscription on faded white paper: “Thryridosmylus perspicillaris minor Kimmins/ Type ³/ det. D.E. Kimmins.”/ (4) printed on blue paper: “McLachlan Coll. B.M. 1938-674.”; (5) printed on white paper: “NHMUK010594390/ also encoded in one datamatrix barcode”.";
dc:description"FIGURE 52. Holotype of Thyridosmylus pustulatus Kimmins, 1942 (NHMUK010594317, male). Labels: (1) printed on white circular paper with a red edge: “Type”; (2) printed on faded white paper: “Khasis. Nat. Coll.”; (3) handwritten on faded white paper: “Osmylus langii, ML.”; (4) printed with handwritten inscriptions on faded white paper: “Thryridosmylus pustulatus Kimmins/ Type ³/ det. D.E. Kimmins”; (5) printed on blue paper: “McLachlan Coll. B.M. 1938-674.”; (6) printed on white paper: “NHMUK010594317/ also encoded in one datamatrix barcode”.";