bibo:journal"Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society";
dc:creator"Pena-Barbosa, João P. P.; Sierwald, Petra; Brescovit, Antonio D.";
dc:title"On the largest chelodesmid millipedes: taxonomic review and cladistic analysis of the genus Odontopeltis Pocock, 1894 (Diplopoda; Polydesmida; Chelodesmidae)";
dc:description"Figures 6–11. Head characters of Odontopeltis. Figure 6. Dorsal face of head of Odontopeltis giganteus, showing the rows of bristles (documenting characters 1 and 2 of the phylogenetic analysis). I, first row between antennal sockets; II, second row; III, third row. Figures 7, 8. Chelodesmid head, schematic, lateral view, showing shape of the Tömösváry organ (TO, character 3). Figure 7. Suboval. Figure 8. Circular. Figures 9–11. Last antennomere of chelodesmids, showing the four apical sense cones (character 4). Figure 9. Double invagination. Figure 10. Triple invagination. Figure 11. Quadruple invagination.";
dc:description"Figure 4. Gonopod structures of Odontopeltis, left gonopod. A, Odontopeltis conspersus, mesal view. B, Odontopeltis anchisteus, ventral view. AB, acropodite bristles; AF, acropodite folds; BPPf, basal projection of prefemoral region; C, cannula; Cx, coxa of gonopod; FR, femoral region; Pf, prefemoral region; PrA, process A of the acropodite; PrB, process B of the acropodite; S, solenomere; SG, spermatic groove; SP, spiniform projection on gonopod coxa. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.";
dc:description"Figures 51–54. Gonopod and cyphopod characters. Figures 51, 52. Schema of gonopod coxa in Chelodesmidae, ectal view (character 43). Figure 51. No projection. Figure 52. Projection. Figures 53, 54. Cyphopod structure, posterior aspect of cyphopod in ventral view (character 46). Figure 53. Odontopeltis giganteus, short state of cyphopod. Figure 54. Eucampesmella ferrii, long state of cyphopod.";
dc:description"Figures 55–58. Gonopod and body characters (scanning electron microscopy). Figures 55, 56. Left gonopods, mesal view (characters 42, 43, 45). Figure 55. Manfrediodesmus passarelii, with projection (IPCx, internal projection of coxa: arrow) and curved spermatic groove. Scale bar = 2.0 mm. Figure 56. Odontopeltis giganteus, without projection and straight spermatic groove. Scale bar = 1.0 mm. Figures 57, 58. Odontopeltis donabeja. Figure 57. Tubercles on paranota, dorsal region. Scale bar = 100 μm. Figure 58. Small spines and bristles with median projection on penultimate and ultimate antennomeres. Scale bar = 100 μm.";
dc:description"Figure 1. Live male specimen of Odontopeltis donabeja sp. nov., from Estação Biológica de Peti, CEMIG, São Gonçalo do Rio Abaixo, Minas Gerais, Brazil.";
dc:description"Figures 43–50. Gonopod characters in Odontopeltis. Figures 43–45. Solenomere (S) and median projection (MPS) in Odontopeltis, ventral view (characters 32, 34). Figure 43. Solenomere tip smaller than MPS of solenomere. Figure 44. Solenomere tip and median projection equal in size. Figure 45. Solenomere tip larger than the median projection. Figures 46–48. Extension of solenomere basis (BS) (character 35). Figure 46. Not reaching half of the width of process A (PrA). Figure 47. Reaching half of the width of PrA. Figure 48. Reaching beyond half of the width of PrA. Figures 49, 50. Hump on PrA, ventral view (character 36). Figure 49. PrA without apical hump. Figure 50. PrA with apical hump.";
dc:description"Figures 38–42. Gonopod characters. Figures 38–40. Sternal gonopod opening, showing the lateral folds (LF), the central support (CS), and the posterior excavation (PE) (characters 20, 22). Figure 38. Presence of lateral folds, central support membranous and posterior margin deeply excavated, surpassing half of the coxae (Cx) of ninth pair of legs (Character 23), Macrocoxodesmus marcusi. Scale bar = 1.0 mm. Figure 39. Sternal gonopod opening showing the central support sclerotized and posterior excavation reaching half of the coxae of ninth pair of legs (Character 23), Telonychopus klossae. Scale bar = 1.0 mm. Figure 40. Absence of lateral folds and posterior edge not reaching half of the coxa, Odontopeltis giganteus. Figures 41, 42. Spines on solenomeres (character 30 in this analysis). Scale bar = 1.0 mm. Figure 41. Spines within spermatic groove, Odontopeltis donabeja. Figure 42. Spines inside and outside spermatic groove, covering the solenomere, Leiodesmus major. Scale bar = 20 μm.";