dc:description"FIGURE 12. Map of southern and western Ethiopia showing the distribution of the three native species of Bitis. Incomplete lines depict country borders; solid lines depict major rivers and lakes; stippled area indicates land above 2,000 m elevation. Circles = B. arietans localities from Largen & Spawls (2010); triangles = B. parviocula localities in southwest Ethiopia from Largen & Spawls (2010); square = town of Dodola (reported locality of holotype of B. harenna sp. nov. and single specimen of B. parviocula); five-pointed star = locality of recent sighting of live specimen of B. harenna sp. nov.";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Photographs of the holotype (ZMUC R 68255) of Bitis harenna sp. nov. Top panel shows whole animal in dorsal (left) and ventral (right) views. Lower panel shows head in dorsal (upper left) and ventral (upper right), and left lateral (lower left) and right lateral (lower right) views. Upper scale bar 10 cm, lower scale 2 cm. Photographs by Harry Taylor.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Drawings of the holotype (ZMUC R 68255) of Bitis harenna sp. nov. Head and anterior of body in dorsal, left lateral and ventral views. Scale bar 10 mm. Drawings by Ed Wade.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Volume reconstructions of µCT data for the skull and mandible of Ethiopian Bitis specimens. A – C holotype (ZMUC R 68255) of B. harenna sp. nov. in dorsal (A), right lateral (B) and left lateral (C) views; D – E B. parviocula (ZMUC R 68254: Dodola) in dorsal (D) and left lateral (E) views; F – G B. parviocula (ZFMK 63067: Bonga) in dorsal (F) and right lateral (G) views. Scale bars 5 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Comparison of dorsal scale row patterns in species of Bitis. Each figure part shows an approximately midbody section of the flank in left lateral view. A) B. harenna sp. nov. (ZMUC R 68255), B) B. parviocula (ZMUC 68254), C) B. gabonica (BMNH 1968.54), D) B. rhinoceros (BMNH 1930.11.19.75), E) B. nasicornis (BMNH ‘ 529 ’), F) B. arietans (BMNH Red dots mark scale row losses, blue dots mark scale row gains. Drawings by Ed Wade.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Comparison of the right lateral wall of the braincase in species of Bitis. Each figure part shows the braincase in approximately lateral (some more dorso- or ventro-, and some more postero or anterolateral) view. A) B. arietans (BMNH 1964.1249), B) B. nasicornis (BMNH unnumbered), C) B. gabonica (BMNH unnumbered), D) B. harenna sp. nov. (ZMUC R 68255), E) B. parviocula (ZMUC R 68254). F) B. parviocula (ZFMK 63067). Parts A – C are photographs of osteological preparations; parts D, E and F are µCT volume reconstructions. Scale bars 5 mm. Abbreviations: bo = basioccipital, eo = exoccipital-opisthotic, f = fenestra ovalis, p = prootic, pa = parietal, s = proximal end of stapes. * = prootic ridge present in B. parviocula but not in B. harenna sp. nov.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Drawing of the holotype (ZMUC R 68255) of Bitis harenna sp. nov. showing the dorsal (upper) and ventral (lower) body scalation (between the levels of the 64 th and 77 th ventral scale) Drawing by Ed Wade.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Live (uncollected) specimen of Bitis harenna sp. nov. photographed in the Harenna Forest of the Bale Mountains National Park in October 2013. The snake was approximately 1 m in total length.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Photographs of holotype (ZFMK 16803) of Bitis parviocula. Whole animal in A) dorsal and B) ventral views, and head in C) ventral and D) dorsal views. Scale bars 5 cm. Photographs by Harry Taylor.";
dc:description"FIGURE 11. Photographs of nine wild-caught individuals of Bitis parviocula from southwestern Ethiopia. The animal in the top left panel is the small individual reported by Nečas et al. (1993 a, b), the animal in the lower right panel is a roadkill specimen (ZFMK 63067) from 20 km west of Bonga photographed before preservation, both photographs by Stephen Spawls. The other seven specimens (photographs courtesy of John Tashjian) were in the pet trade in Europe and are not in museum collections.";