dc:description"FIG. 4. G-banded karyotype of the R. lanosus female from China. Numbers to the right of each chromosome pair indicate homology to A. stoliczkanus (AST) chromosomal arms as revealed by FISH with AST probes and G-band comparison. On the left of each chromosomal pair, homology to chromosomal arms or segments of the vespertilionid M. myotis (MMY) is given. The composition of chromosomal arms is similar as in R. cf. luctoides (Fig. 1) except for pairs 3 and 4 which differ by a whole arm translocation (WART). The inset shows that the size difference between the X chromosomes is due to variation";
dc:description"FIG. 3. FISH examples showing the hybridization patterns of A. stoliczkanus (AST) chromosome-specific painting probes onto metaphase spreads of R. cf. luctoides (A, D), R. lanosus (B, E) and R. formosae (C, F). A–C — hybridization signals of AST1 (red) and AST8 (green) meet in chromosome 5 in R. cf. luctoides (A) and R. lanosus (B) but not in R. formosae (C). In B and C AST X (yellow) was applied in addition. D, E — hybridization signals of AST2 (green) and AST5 (red) meet in chromosome 3 of R. cf. luctoides (D), but not in R. lanosus (E), where AST2 (green) is found in combination with AST1 (red) on chromosome 4 instead.";
dc:description"FIG. 5. Comparison of chromosomes number 3 and 4 of R. cf. luctoides (upper part) and R. lanosus (lower part). The Gbanded chromosomes in the centre are supplemented by their homologes painted with combinations of AST probes. In both species, the short arm of pair 4 (left) and the long arm of pair 3 (right) show homology to AST1 and AST5, respectively. The remaining two chromosomal arms are proposed to have been exchanged by a WART. Homology to AST7 is found on pair 4 of R. cf. luctoides but on pair 3 in R. lanosus; hybridization signals for AST2 are found in pair 3 of R. cf. luctoides but on";