dc:description"Fig. 1 Sampling strategy for Streptomyces from insect microbiomes. Streptomyces were isolated from a wide range of insects and geographies (1445 insects; 10,178 strains; dot size, insects sampled). Streptomyces production of the antifungal mycangimycin (1) in the Southern Pine Beetle system is shown at right. Cyphomycin (2) is a new antifungal described herein. Photo credits: southern pine beetle - Erich G. Vallery; fungus-growing ant – Alexander Wild";
dc:description"Fig. 5 Insect-associated Streptomyces are a source of active antimicrobials. a Fractionated extracts from insect microbiomes are active in multiple murine models of drug-resistant infection. Less infective burden is seen in intraperitoneally treated mice after 8 h of infection. Each dot represents a unique fraction in one mouse study. (n = 15, 11, and 8 for C. albicans, E. coli, and P. aeruginosa models, respectively; center, median; box, upper and lower quantiles; whiskers, 1.5× interquartile range. b Most fractions from insect microbiomes show no hemolysis in cell-based assays. Safe indicates no toxicity at>100× concentration associated with efficacy. c The antifungal cyphomycin is produced by Streptomyces isolated from d the fungus-growing ant Cyphomyrmex sp. Photo credit: Alexander Wild e Cyphomycin-containing fractions show potency against the ant pathogen Escovopsis sp. (top left, bottom). f Purified cyphomycin exhibits potency against resistant pathogens. g Mouse candidiasis (C. albicans) models showcase reduced infection and a dose-like response to cyphomycin. Dots indicate individual mice";