dc:description"FIGURE 2. Masteriinae morphological characters. A Masteria barona, male (Saint George County, Arima, Las Lapas Road, Trinidad and Tobago, AMNH), showing australotheline crescent, ventral view; B Striamea gertschi, male (holotype AMNH), showing australotheline crescent absent, ventral view; C M. barona, male (Saint George County, Arima, Las Lapas Road, Trinidad and Tobago, AMNH), rhomboidal shape of eye group, dorsal view; D Siremata valteri n. sp., male (IBSP 167206), quadrate shape of eyes, dorsal view. Abbreviations: A, abdomen; AC, australotheline crescent; MR, membranous region; PMS, posterior median spinneret. Scale bar: A 100µm; B 40µm; C 50µm; D 100µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Masteria spp. A Masteria downeyi, male (Guanacaste: Tilarán, Costa Rica, AMNH), bulb, ventral view; B M. spinosa, male (Barro Colorado, Panama, AMNH), bulb, prolateral view; C M. tayrona n. sp., male (San Sebastian de Rabago, Colombia, AMNH), prolateral process of tibia I (left leg, prodorsal view); D M. amarumayu n. sp., female (Female, IBSP 111325), double row of trichobothria metatarsus IV (left leg, retrolateral view). Abbreviations: E, embolus; BD, basal depression; BS, basal spine; PA, paraembolic apophysis; P1, Process 1; P2, Process 2; P3, Process 3. Scale bar: A 50µm; B 100µm; C 100µm; D 200µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Masteria spp. A Masteria barona, male (Saint George County, Arima, Las Lapas Road, Trinidad and Tobago, AMNH), six eyes, dorsal view; B M. hirsuta, female (BM - 17516), australotheline crescent, ventral view; C M. tayrona n. sp., male (San Sebastian de Rabago, Colombia, AMNH), eight eyes, dorsal view; D M. sabrinae n. sp., male (Plateau de La Concorde, Martinica, CPM), tarsal claw of leg II, prolateral view. Abbreviations: A, abdomen; AC, australotheline crescent; MR, membranous region; PMS, posterior median spinneret. Scale bar: A 50µm; B, C, D 100µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Masteriinae morphological characters, Masteria species. A Masteria petrunkevitchi, male (El Verde, Puerto Rico University, Biology Station, Puerto Rico, AMNH), Serrula, lateral view; B M. galipote n. sp., male (MNHNSD-09-1327), cheliceral tooth row, ventral view; C M. golovatchi, female (IBSP 167158), tarsal organ of palp, dorsal view; D M. aguaruna n. sp., male (MACN-AR-30562) tarsal organ of leg I, dorsal view; E M. sabrinae n. sp., male (Plateau de La Concorde, Martinica, CPM), trichobothria of leg IV, dorsal view. Scale bar: A 30µm; B 100µm; C 3µm; D 5µm; E 20µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 24. Masteria pecki Gertsch, 1982. (female holotype, AMNH). A Carapace in dorsal view; B Vestigial eyes, dorsal view; C, D Female genitalia, dorsal view. Abbreviations: EnL, ental lobe; EcL, ectal lobe. Scale bar: A, B 1mm; C, D 50µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 23. Masteria manauara Bertani, Cruz & Oliveira, 2013 (male and female, IBSP 167164 and IBSP 167165). A Male eyes, dorsal view; B Palpal bulb (broken embolus tip); C Palpal bulb and group of retrolateral tactile setae, retrolateral view; D Prolateral processes of tibia I (left leg, proventral view); E, F Female genitalia, dorsal view. Abbreviations: BS, Basal spine; P2, Process 2; P3, Process 3. Scale bar: A 50µm; B 100µm; C, D, E, F 50µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 30. Prolateral processes of leg I. A Masteria lewisi. B M. amarumayu. C M. mutum. D M. aguaruna. E M. tayrona. F M. manauara. Abbreviations: BS, basal spine; P1, Process 1; P2, Process 2; P3, Process 3. Scale bar: A 0.10 mm; B 100µm, C 50µm, D 50µm, E 50µm, F 50µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 20. Masteria aimeae (Alayón, 1995). (male, holotype, female IBSP 167156). A–C, male. A Palpal bulb, prolateral view; B Palpal bulb, retrolateral view; C Megaspines on tibia I and metatarsus I (left leg, prolateral view), D Female genitalia, dorsal view. Scale bar: A, B, C 0.1mm; D 100µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Masteria petrunkevitchi (Chickering, 1964). (male and female, Rio Grande, El Verde, Puerto Rico University, Biology Station, Puerto Rico, AMNH) A Male eyes, dorsal view; B Bulb, prolateral view; C Retrolateral grouped spines on palpal tibia, retrolateral view; D Prolateral process of tibia I (left leg, proventral view); E Female genitalia, dorsal view. Abbreviations: BS, basal spine; P2, Process 2; P3, Process 3. Scale bars: A 50µm; B, C, D, E 100µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 29. Prolateral processes of leg I. A Masteria petrunkevitchi. B M. barona. C M. soucoyant. D M. yacambu. E M. colombiensis. F M. downeyi. Abbreviations: BS, Basal spine; P1, Process 1; P2, Process 2; P3, Process 3. Scale bar: A 100µm; B 200µm, C 100µm, D 100µm, E 0.1mm, F 50µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 12. Masteria yacambu n. sp. (male and female, Lara, Yacambu, National Park Yacambu, Venezuela, AMNH). A Female eyes, dorsal view; B Palpal bulb in retrolateral view, embolus tip in detail; C Palpal bulb in prolateral view; D, E. Female genitalia; F Prolateral processes of tibia I (left leg, proventral view). Abbreviations: BS, basal spine; P1, Process 1; P2, Process 2; P3, Process 3. Scale bars: A 50µm; B, C 0.1mm; D, E, F 100µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 22. Masteria tayrona n. sp. (paratypes male and female, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, IBSP 167162 and IBSP 167163). A–E, male. A Eyes, dorsal view; B Left palp, retrolateral view; C embolus, retrolateral view; D P1 detail; E Prolateral processes of tibia I (left leg, prodorsal view); F Female genitalia, dorsal view. Abbreviations: BS, basal spine; P1, Process 1; P2, Process 2; P3, Process 3. Scale bar: A 100µm; B 200µm; C 50µm; D 40µm; E 50µm; F 100µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 16. Masteria amarumayu n. sp. (male, SMNK 8626, female IBSP 167152). A –D, male. A Male eyes, dorsal view; B Bulb, ventral view; C Prolateral processes of tibia I (left leg, prolateral view); D Embolus tip; E, F Female genitalia. Abbreviations: P2, Process 2; P3, Process 3. Scale bar: A 50µm; B, C 100µm; D 20µm; E, F 100µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Masteria barona (Chickering, 1966). (male and female, Saint George County, Arima Valley, Trinidad and Tobago, AMNH). A Male eyes, dorsal view; B Bulb, ventral view; C embolus tip, ventral view; D Male, prolateral process of tibia I (right leg, proventral view); E bulb, prolateral view; F, G Female genitalia, dorsal view. Abbreviations: P1, Process 1; P2, Process 2; P3, Process 3. Scale bar: A 50µm; B 100µm; C 20µm; D 200µm; E, F, G 100µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Masteria spp. A M. petrunkevitchi, male (El Verde, Puerto Rico University, Biology Station, Puerto Rico, AMNH), cymbium (longer than wide), left palp in prolateral view; B M. soucoyant n. sp., male (Tamana Hill, Trinidad and Tobago, AMNH), Cymbium, (wider than long), left palp in prolateral view. Abbreviations: PL, prolateral lobe. Scale bar: A 200µm; B 500µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 25. Masteria spinosa (Petrunkevitch, 1925). (male and female, Barro Colorado Island, Panama, AMNH). A Palpal bulb, prolateral view; B Palpal bulb, retrolateral view; C Paraembolic apophysis, retrolateral view; D Retrolateral grouped spines on palpal tibia, retrolateral view; E Prolateral processes of tibia I (right leg, prodorsal view); F Female genitalia, dorsal view. Abbreviations: PA, paraembolic apophysis; BS, basal spine; P1, Process 1; P2, Process 2; P3, Process 3. Scale bar: A, B 100µm; C 30µm; D, E 100µm; F 50µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 14. Masteria downeyi (Chickering, 1966). (male, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, female, El Volcán, Chiriqui, Panama, AMNH). A Male eyes, dorsal view; B Bulb, ventral view; C bulb tip, retrolateral view; D Retrolateral grouped spines on palpal tibia, retrolateral view; E Prolateral processes of tibia I (right leg, prolateral view); F Female genitalia, dorsal view. Abbreviations: BS, basal spine; P1, Process 1; P2, Process 2; P3, Process 3. Scale bar: A, B 50µm; C 10µm; D, E 50µm; F,100µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 15. Masteria lewisi (Chickering, 1964). (male and female, Saint Catherine Parish, Jamaica, MCZ). A Female eyes, dorsal view; B Bulb, retrolateral view; C Prolateral processes of tibia I (left leg, prolateral view); D, E Female genitalia, dorsal view. Abbreviations: BS, basal spine; P1, Process 1; P2, Process 2; P3, Process 3. Scale bar: A, B, C 0.1mm; D, E 50µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 10. Masteria soucouyant n. sp. (male and female, Tamana Hill, Sangre Grande, Panama, AMNH). A Female eyes, dorsal view; B Embolus tip, prolateral view; C Bulb, prolateral view; D Male, retrolateral grouped spines on palpal tibia; E Female genitalia, dorsal view; F Male, prolateral process of tibia I (left leg, prolateral view). Abbreviations: P1, Process 1; P2, Process 2; P3, Process 3. Scale bars: A 100µm; B 20µm; C, D, E, F 100µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Masteria spp., female genitalia (dorsal view): A Masteria hirsuta (Micronesia, Ponape, female, BM-17516); B M. barona (Saint George County, Arima Valley, Trinidad and Tobago, AMNH). Abbreviations: GR, glandular region; EnL, ental Lobe; EcL, ectal lobe; SB, spermathecae base. Scale bar: A, B 100µm.";