dc:description"FIG. 5. — Actinopterygii and Testudines from the Sabkha of Gueran: A-G, Actinopterygii: Cylindracanthus sp., FSAC Bouj-356, rostrum in (A1) lateral and (A2) transversal views; B-E, Percomorpha indet.: B, FSAC Bouj-369,vertebra in (B1) lateral and (B2) transversal views; C, FSAC Bouj-363, vertebra in (C1) lateral and (C2) transversal views; D, FSAC Bouj-370, basioccipital in left lateral view; E, FSAC Bouj-371, fin spine in anterior view; F, Scombridae indet., FSAC Bouj-358, incomplete jawbone in labial view; G, Siluriformes indet., FSAC Bouj-372, right pectoral spine in anterior view; H-P, Testudines: H-L, Cheloniidae indet., FSAC Bouj-109,fragmentary costal in (H1) lateral transection, (H2) ventral, (H3) dorsal and (H4) medial transection views; I, FSAC Bouj-352,fragmentary lateral process of right hyoplastron in (I1) ventral and (I2) dorsal views; J, FSAC Bouj-351, subcomplete right hypoplastron in (J1) ventral and (J2) dorsal views; K, FSAC Bouj- 353, fragment of dermal plate, unlocated on the carapace, in dorsal view; L, FSAC Bouj-354, fragment of dermal plate, unlocated on the shell in (L1, L2) both faces; M, Dermochelyidae indet., FSAC Bouj-350, lateral pubic process of right pubis in (M1) ventral and (M2) dorsal views; N,? Podocnemidoidea indet., FSAC Bouj-196, fragment of right hypoplastron in (N1) dorsal and (N2) ventral views; O, Indeterminata (? Podocnemidoidea indet.), FSAC Bouj-95, fragment of dermal plate of carapace in (O1) dorsal and (O2) ventral views; P, Gueran turtles, pieces of the four fragments of Figure 5I, J, L and M, as preserved in view of conjunction in situ. Scale bars: 20 mm.";