dc:description"FIGURE 1. Number of Manota species known to occur in countries of the Afrotropics, with number of endemic species noted in parentheses. Collecting localities in DRC: A Garamba National Park (P. N. G. on labels), B Kona on Itimbiri river, C Yangambi National Park, D Albert National Park (P. N. A. on labels), E Upemba National Park (P. N. U. on labels).";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Manota grootaerti sp. n. (holotype). A. Antennal flagellomere 4, lateral. B. Hypopygium, dorsal. C. Hypopygium, ventral. D. Aedeagus and hypoproct, ventral. Scale 0.1 mm. aed = aedeagus, aed a = aedeagal apodeme, cr = cercus, gs = gonostylus, gx = gonocoxite, gx a = gonocoxal apodemes, gx d = dorsomedial margin of gonocoxite, gx p = dorsal posterior margin of gonocoxite, gx v = ventromedial margin of gonocoxite, hpr = hypoproct, jx m = juxtagonostylar megasetae, pa l = paraapodemal lobe, ps l = parastylar lobe, s l = setigerous lobe on posterodorsal margin of gonocoxite, st 9 = sternite 9, tg 9 = tergite 9.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Manota peltata sp. n. (holotype). A. Antennal flagellomere 4, lateral. B. Hypopygium, dorsal. C. Hypopygium, ventral. D. Gonostylus, dorsal. E. Aedeagus and hypoproct, ventral. Scale 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Manota peltigera sp. n. (A, B, C, D, E, H, I holotype, F, G paratype). A. Antennal flagellomere 4, lateral. B. Hypopygium, dorsal. C. Hypopygium, ventral. D. Gonostylus, dorsal. E. Aedeagus and hypoproct, ventral. F, G, H and I. Posterolateral part of gonocoxite, dorsal. Sale 0.1 mm.";