dc:description"FIGURE 2. Transmitted and incident light images of silica-rich microspherules retrieved from the Oatka Creek Formation, Leroy, New York. Internal to external (left to right) focal point shift imaging approach allows for internal structures at different points within the tasmanid to be imaged: 1a–e: internal pyritic inclusions imaged throughout single tasmanid, inclusions interpreted to be portions of gamete stage internal strucres; 2a–e, surface punctae visible (2a) in addition to internal pyritic inclusions; 3 a–e conjoined or splitting tasmanid containing internal pyritic inclusions. Images taken at a magnification of 10x, average diameter of all cysts, 125 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Transmitted and incident light images of silica-rich microspherules retrieved from the Oatka Creek Formation, Leroy, New York. 1a–c conjoined or splitting tasmanid containing internal pyritic inclusions, interpreted to be a dividing cyst; 2a–c single tasmanid with no pyritic inclusions but numerous surficial punctae, interpreted to be a vegetative cyst; 3a–c tasmanid with well defined internal structure interpreted to be a resting cyst. Images taken at a magnification of 10x, average diameter of all cysts, 125 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Fluorescence microscopy images of select silica-rich microspherules from the Oatka Creek Formation, Leroy, New York. Black and white arrows denote locations of diminutive spherules within endocysts. Yellow arrows denote the edge of the external wall. Average diameter of tasmanid 4a–c is 125 µm; 4d diameter is 50 µm; 4e tasmanid diameter is 125 µm; 4f tasmanid horizontal diameter is 120 µm with a height of ~130 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Fluorescence microscopy images of select silica-rich microspherules from the Oatka Creek Formation, Leroy, New York. 5a: tasmanid interpreted to be a gamete sack; 5b” tasmanid interpreted to be a diving stage cyst.";