dc:description"FIGURES 15–21. Tursiocola denysii. Type population, SEM. 15. Single valve with attached cingulum in girdle view. Note undulate mantle margin with three tabs. 16–17. External view of whole valves showing axial and central areas. 18. Detail of external central area of valve depicted in Fig. 16 showing bow tie-shaped stauros and proximal raphe ends within spathulate grooves. 19. Detail of external valve apex of valve depicted in Fig. 16 showing hooked distal raphe end obscured by overhanging siliceous flap. 20. Detail of external central area of valve depicted in Fig. 17 showing areolae structure. 21. Detail of external valve apex of valve depicted in Fig. 17. Scale bars: Figs 15–17 = 2 μm, Figs 18–21 = 1 μm.";
dc:description"FIGURES 22–24. Tursiocola denysii. Type population, SEM. 22. Internal view of whole valve showing pseudosepta and butterfly structure. 23. Detail of butterfly structure and internal central area with one knob on the raphe rib. 24. Internal view of whole valve with attached valvocopula. Note one central and 2 polar tabs underlying undulate valve margin on each side of the valve. Scale bars: Figs 22, 24 = 2 μm, Fig. 23 = 1 μm.";
dc:description"FIGURES 25–30. Tursiocola denysii. Type population, SEM.25. Cingulum showing valvocopula (V) with four attached abvalvar copulae (numbered arrows) in side view. 26. Pars interior of valvocopula showing flanged margin and three pairs of opposing tabs. 27. Pars exterior of valvocopula showing thickening of the two pairs of polar tabs. 28. Detail of apex of valvocopula showing second row of abvalvar pores (arrow) located only at the poles. 29–30. Copulae showing open ends and only a single row of pores. Scale bars: Figs 25–27, 29–30= 2 μm, Fig. 28 = 1 μm.";