dc:description"Fig. 17. Male palp of Synagelides spp. A, C. Holotype, retrolateral view. B, D. Male, retrolateral view. A. S. logunovisp. nov. (TRU-Salticid-0016). B. S. forkiformaYang, Zhu & Song, 2007 (HNU-20040428- 01). C. S. bohdanowiczi sp. nov. (TRU-Salticid-0010). D. S. palpalis Żabka, 1985 (TRU-Salticid-0053). Abbreviations: see Material and methods. Scale bars = 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 11. Male palp of Synagelides subgambosus sp. nov. and S. gambosus Xie & Yin, 1990. A–C. S. subgambosus, holotype, ♂ (TRU-Salticid-0028). D. S. gambosus, ♂ (TRU-Salticid-0052). A. Prolateral view. B, D. Retrolateral view. C. Ventral view. Abbreviations: see Material and methods. Scale bars = 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 1. Male palp of Synagelides bohdanowiczi sp. nov., holotype, ♂ (TRU-Salticid-0010). A. Prolateral view. B. Retrolateral view. C. Ventral view. D. Dorsal view. Abbreviations: see Material and methods. Scale bars = 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 2. Synagelides bohdanowiczi sp. nov. A–C, F. Paratype, ♀ (TRU-Salticid-0011). D–E, G–H. Holotype, ♂ (TRU-Salticid-0010). A. Epigyne, ventral view. B. Epigyne, dorsolateral view. C. Epigyne, dorsal view. D. Habitus, dorsal view. E. Habitus, ventral view. F. Habitus, dorsal view. G. Chelicerae, dorsal view. H. Leg I, prolateral view. Abbreviations: see Material and methods. Scale bars: A–C, G = 0.1 mm; D–F, H = 0.5 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 12. Synagelides subgambosus sp. nov. A–C, F. Paratype, ♀ (TRU-Salticid-0032). D–E, G–H. Holotype, ♂ (TRU-Salticid-0028). A. Epigyne, ventral view. B. Epigyne, dorsolateral view. C. Epigyne, dorsal view. D. Habitus, dorsal view. E. Habitus, ventral view. F. Habitus, dorsal view. G. Chelicerae, dorsal view. H. Leg I, prolateral view. Abbreviations: see Material and methods. Scale bars: A–C, G = 0.1 mm; D–F, H = 0.5 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 18. Distributional map of eight species of Synagelides Strand, 1906: S. bohdanowiczi sp. nov.; S. forkiforma Yang, Zhu & Song, 2007; S. leigongensis sp. nov.; S. longus Song & Chai, 1992; S. logunovi sp. nov., S. subgambosus sp. nov.; S. wuliangensis sp. nov.; S. xingdouensis sp. nov.";