dc:description"Figure 26. Illustration of Miconia paralimoides. A habit (Veloz 4059) B close-up of upper leaf surface (Garcia 1186) C close-up of lower leaf surface (Garcia 1186) D flower Veloz 4059) E petal abaxial surface (Veloz 4059) F petal adaxial surface (Veloz 4059) G stamen (Veloz 4059) H fruit longitudinal section (F. Jimenez 176 - A). Reproduced with permission from Majure and Judd (2013 b).";
dc:description"Figure 27. Photos of Miconia paralimoides (A-D) and Miconia pedunculata (E-H). A habit of Miconia paralimoides showing well-developed bulla-based hairs on leaf adaxial surface B infructescence of Miconia paralimoides C leaf abaxial surface showing obscured epidermis and ascending, appressed hairs on petioles D mature fruit of Miconia paralimoides (all from Majure 6021) E habit and adaxial leaf surface of Miconia pedunculata F abaxial leaf surface showing dark purple primary and secondary veins G terminal, glomerulate inflorescence of Miconia pedunculata showing large bracts subtending floral buds and long, ascending hairs on inflorescence axis and stems H reddish-pink floral bud of Miconia pedunculata (all from Majure 6053). All photos taken by L. C. Majure.";
dc:description"Figure 20. Photos of Miconia lima (A-E) and Miconia pagnolensis (F). A Miconia lima from Massif de la Selle, Haiti showing habit and ascending stem hairs (Majure 4334) B expanded infloresence and flowers showing whitish-pink petals (Sierra de Bahoruco, DR; Skean 4312), C-E) \" Monteada Nueva \" form of Miconia lima from the Dominican Republic C habit, inflorescence structure and stem showing ascending hairs (Majure 5960) D flower with dark pink petals showing an thers with a dorso-basal appendage and immature fruit with pinkish calyx lobes E leaf adaxial surface and stem with ascending hairs (D-E from Judd 8083) F Miconia pagnolensis sp. nov. from the type specimen showing habit and bulla-based hairs of the adaxial leaf surface (Timyan 27). Photos A and C taken by L. C. Majure, B by J. D. Skean, Jr., D-E by W. S. Judd and F by J. Timyan.";
dc:description"Figure 24. Illustration of Miconia phrynosomaderma. A habit of Miconia phrynosomaderma with the bulla-based hairs removed from the adaxial leaf surface to show venation B leaf adaxial surface C close-up of adaxial leaf surface showing expanded bulla-based hairs not fully covering the entire lamina D leaf abaxial surface E close-up of abaxial leaf surface showing sparse bulla-based hairs and clearly visible lamina F longitudinal section (slightly oblique) of young fruit G petal abaxial surface H petal adaxial surface I stamen showing anther with short dorso-basal appendage J immature seed (all drawn from Ekman H 8204). Reproduced with permission from Majure and Judd (2013 a).";