dc:creator"Sankaran, Pradeep M.; Sherwood, Danniella; Jäger, Peter";
dc:title"On the identity of species of the huntsman spider genus Thelcticopis Karsch, 1884 (Araneae: Sparassidae: Sparianthinae) from India, Myanmar, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka";
dc:description"FIGURES 1A–F. Field photographs of Thelcticopis moolampilliensis Sunil Jose & Sebastian, 2007 (A–B) and Thelcticopis virescens Pocock, 1901 (C–F).A–B Female in different views; C Male; D Female; E juvenile; F retreat. Figures are not to scale. Photographs A–B by Nafin K.S. and C–F by Jimmy Paul.";
dc:description"FIGURES 22A–F. Thelcticopis virescens Pocock, 1901, non-type male (A, C) (ZSI/WGRC/I.R.INV.26583) and female (B, D–F) (ZSI/WGRC/I.R.INV.26585). A–B Habitus, dorsal; C Left palp, ventral; D–E Epigyne, ventral (D not dissected, E same dissected and cleared in 10% KOH); F Vulva, dorsal. Scale bars: A–C, 2 mm; D–F, 1 mm. Photographs by Pradeep Sankaran.";
dc:description"FIGURES 23A–D. Thelcticopis virescens Pocock, 1901, holotype male. A–B Left palp (A ventral, B retrolateral); C Eye arrangement, dorsal; D Left chelicera, ventral. Abbreviations: aE—apical filiform part of embolus; bE—basal wide flattened part of embolus; C—conductor; Sp—spermophor; TA—tegular apophysis. Drawings by Peter Jäger.";
dc:description"FIGURES 24A–D. Thelcticopis virescens Pocock, 1901, genitalia of non-type male (A–B) (ZSI/WGRC/I.R.INV.26583) and female (C–D) (ZSI/WGRC/I.R.INV.26585). A–B Left palp (A ventral, B retrolateral); C Epigyne, ventral; D Vulva, dorsal. Abbreviations: aE—apical filiform part of embolus; bE—basal wide flattened part of embolus; bpC—basal process of conductor; C—conductor; CD—copulatory duct; CO—copulatory opening; CS—cymbial scopula; dRTA—dorsal part of RTA; FD—fertilisation duct; GA—glandular appendage; LL—lateral lobe of epigyne; MS—median septum; RTA—retrolateral tibial apophysis; S—spermatheca; Sp—spermophor; T—tegulum; TA—tegular apophysis; VDL—ventro-distal lobe of palpal tibia; vRTA—ventral part of RTA. Arrow indicates beak-like process of conductor. Scale bars: A–B, 2 mm; C–D, 1 mm. Drawings by Pradeep Sankaran.";
dc:description"FIGURES 5A–D. Thelcticopis bicornuta Pocock, 1901, holotype male. A–B Left palp (A ventral, B retrolateral); C Eye arrangement, dorsal; D Right chelicera, ventral. Abbreviations: C—conductor; dRTA—dorsal part of retrolateral tibial apophysis; dSe—distal setae; E—embolus; Se—bunch of setae; Sp—spermophor; VDL—ventro-distal lobe; vRTA—ventral part of retrolateral tibial apophysis; TA—tegular apophysis. Drawings by Peter Jäger.";
dc:description"FIGURES 11A–F. Thelcticopis moolampilliensis Sunil Jose & Sebastian, 2007, non-type male (A, C) and female (B, D–F) (ZSI/ WGRC/I.R.INV.26579). A–B Habitus, dorsal; C Left palp, ventral; D–E Epigyne ventral (D not dissected, E same dissected and cleared in 10% KOH); F Vulva, dorsal. Scale bars: A–B, 2 mm; C, 1 mm; D–F, 0.5 mm. Photographs by Pradeep Sankaran.";
dc:description"FIGURES 13A–D. Thelcticopis nalandica (Karsch, 1892) comb. rest., holotype male.A–B Left palp (A ventral, B retrolateral); C Eye arrangement, dorsal; D Left chelicera, ventral. Abbreviations: aE—apical narrow part of embolus; bE—basal broad part of embolus; C—conductor; CT—conductor tip; iT—internal tooth; TA—tegular apophysis; VO—ventral outgrowth of RTA. Drawings by Peter Jäger.";
dc:description"FIGURES 14A–L. Thelcticopis nalandica (Karsch, 1892) comb. rest, holotype male of Stasina nigropicta (A–E), female (F–L). A–B Left palp (A ventral, B retrolateral); C, I Eye arrangement, dorsal; D, J–K Chelicerae, ventral (D, K left, J right); E Habitus, dorsal; F Epigyne, ventral; G Vulva, dorsal. H Schematic course of internal duct system, dorsal. L Opisthosoma, dorsal. Abbreviation: CT—conductor tip. Drawings by Peter Jäger.";
dc:description"FIGURES 15A–D. Thelcticopis paripes (Karsch, 1879) comb. rest., holotype male. A–B Left palp (A ventral, B retrolateral); C Eye arrangement, dorsal; D Left chelicera, ventral. Abbreviations: aE—apical narrow part of embolus; bE—basal broad part of embolus; C—conductor; CT—conductor tip; TA—tegular apophysis; vmB—ventro-medial branch of RTA. Drawings by Peter Jäger.";
dc:description"FIGURES 18A–E. Thelcticopis rufula Pocock, 1901, holotype male. A–B Left palp (A ventral, B retrolateral); C Eye arrangement, dorsal; D Left chelicera, ventral; E Habitus, dorsal. Abbreviations: C—conductor; dRTA—dorsal part of RTA; TA—tegular apophysis; vRTA—ventral part of RTA. Drawings by Peter Jäger.";
dc:description"FIGURES 20A–B. Thelcticopis serambiformis Strand, 1907, syntype male. A–B Left palp (A ventral, B retrolateral). Not to scale.Abbreviations:C—conductor; ddA—dorso-distal part of RTA; E—embolus; iT—internal tooth; pO—proximad outgrowth of tegulum; TA—tegular apophysis. Drawings by Peter Jäger.";
dc:description"FIGURES 9A–D. Thelcticopis hercules Pocock, 1901, holotype female. A Epigyne, ventral; B Vulva, dorsal; C Eye arrangement, dorsal; D Right chelicera, ventral. Abbreviation: PP—posterior projection. Drawings by Peter Jäger.";