dc:description"Figure 4. Fruits and seeds of representative Xylopia species. A Xylopia staudtii from Democratic Republic of the Congo B Xylopia aethiopica from Republic of the Congo C Xylopia quintasii from Cameroon D Xylopia tenuipetala from Mozambique E Xylopia collina from Mozambique F Xylopia gracilipes from Mozambique G Xylopia hypolampra from Gabon H Xylopia tanganyikensis from Tanzania. A by Quentin Luke B by David Harris C, G by Thomas L. P. Couvreur D by Jonathan Timberlake E, F by Mervyn Loetter H by Noriko Itoh. C reproduced with permission of Thomas L. P. Couvreur and of the American Society of Plant Taxonomists D reproduced with the permission of Jonathan Timberlake and of the Board of Trustees, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew.";
dc:description"Figure 28. Xylopia keniensis and X. tanganyikensis, with leaves of X. holtzii and X. longipetala for comparison. A Leaf of X. holtzii from Tanzania B Leaf of X. longipetala from Ghana C-E X. keniensis C Habit D Fruit E Inflorescence F-O X. tanganyikensis F Pedicel, sepals, and staminal cone G Base of inner petal, adaxial view H Base of outer petal, adaxial view I Flower, lateral view J Carpel K, L Habit M Stamen, abaxial view N Staminode, abaxial view O Fruit. A from Semsei 1718 (K) B from Jongkind & Nieuwenhuis 2130 (WAG) C, D from Luke & Robertson 2723 (MO) F-J, L-N from Nishida 57 (K) K, O from Abeid et al. 1028 (L). Reproduced with the permission of the Board of Trustees, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew.";
dc:description"Figure 38. Distributions of Xylopia cupularis and X. tanganyikensis. Bolder lines represent country borders, fainter lines lakes and major rivers.";