dc:description"FIGURE 2. Pedroplax megalops (Takeda, 1989) new combination. A-E, holotype male (5.6 × 4.8 mm) (NSMT-Cr 9754); F, paratype female (5.1 × 4.4 mm) (NSMT-Cr 5297). A, frontal view of carapace; B, posterior view of carapace showing anterior abdominal somites; C, anterior part of thoracic sternum showing posterior abdominal somites; D, anterior part of thoracic sternum showing sterno-abdominal cavity and press-button; E, left side of posterior thoracic sternum showing position of penis; F, anterior thoracic sternum of sternum showing vulvae. Abbreviations: a 1 – a 4 = male abdominal somites 1 – 4; c 3 – c 5 = coxae of third to fifth ambulatory legs; es 7 = episternite 7; p = penis; pb = press-button of abdominal locking mechanism; st 6 – 8 = thoracic sternites 6 – 8; v = vulva.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Pedroplax megalops (Takeda, 1989) new combination, holotype male (5.6 × 4.8 mm) (NSMT-Cr 9754). A, dorsal view of carapace; B, left third maxilliped; C, dorsal view of left cheliped; D, outer view of left chela; E, right third ambulatory leg; F, anterior thoracic sternum and abdominal somites 3 – 6 with telson; G, posterior thoracic sternum and abdominal somites 1 – 3; H, left G 1; I, distal part of left G 1; J, left G 2; K, distal part of left G 2. Abbreviations: a 1 – a 6 = male abdominal somites 1 – 6; c 5 = coxae of fifth ambulatory leg; st 4 – 8 = thoracic sternites 4 – 8; t = telson; v = vulva. (After Takeda 1989: figs. 16, 17).";