dc:description"Figure 13. Schiekia orinocensis (Kunth) Meisn A habitat B habit, showing an inflorescence from this flowering season and an old one from the previous year bearing dehisced capsules C root D leaf blade E inflorescence F, G flower: F side view of a flower showing the nectar drop (arrow) in the perianth aperture G frontal view of a flower H-L perianth segments: H upper perianth tepals showing their connate bases and the nectar guides I lower lateral tepal J side view of the lower lateral tepal showing the glandular pubescence K staminode-like projection L lower medial tepal M flower with perianth removed, showing the androecium and gynoecium. N, dehisced capsules. All photos by E. J. Hickman.";
dc:description"Figure 15. Schiekia silvestris (Maas & Stoel) Hopper et al. A habit of two flowering specimens B habit of a fruiting specimen C, D inflorescence: C inflorescence with flowers at anthesis D inflorescence with flowers at post-anthesis E, F flower: E side view of a flower showing the nectar drop (arrow) in the perianth aperture F frontal view of a flower G inflorescence bearing last few flowers and several capsules H detail of the cincinnus showing immature capsules. All photos by H. Galliffet, except for G by S. Sant.";
dc:description"Figure 16. Schiekia silvestris (Maas & Stoel) Hopper et al. Full colour whole plant illustration. Illustration by E. J. Hickman. Scale bar: 1 cm.";
dc:description"Figure 17. Schiekia silvestris (Maas & Stoel) Hopper et al. A, B rhizome: A rhizome, showing persistent leaf bases B longitudinal section C cincinnus D flower bud E flower in frontal view F hairs G-I perianth: G upper perianth lobes, showing the nectar guides H lateral outer perianth lobe with adnate staminode-like structure I medial inner perianth lobe J staminode-like structure K flower with the perianth removed, showing the androecium and gynoecium L, M stamens: L lateral stamen (frontal and dorsal view) M medial stamen (frontal and dorsal view) N, O gynoecium: N style O stigma P-T fruit: P immature capsule Q capsule in longitudinal section R capsule in cross-section S placenta with ovules T dehisced capsule U-W seed: U dorsal view V ventral view W longitudinal section. Illustration by E. J. Hickman. Scale bars: 1 cm (A, B, G-I, K); 1.5 mm (C-E, P-R, T); 0.3 mm (F); 0.75 mm (J, L-N, S, U-W); 0.15 mm (O);";
dc:description"Figure 19. Schiekia timida M. Pell. et al. A habitat B flowering habit C detail of the leaves D, E inflorescence: D inflorescence with many-flowered cincinni E inflorescence with 1 - flowered cincnni F inflorescence bearing young capsules G-I flower: G upper view of a flower showing both perianth apertures and their respective nectar drops (arrows) H side view of a flower I frontal view of a flower J mature capsules before opening K seeds. A by G. Antar, B by G. Davidse, C, F by M. E. Engels, D by C. Castro, E by V. A. O. Dittrich, G-I by P. L. Viana and J, K by S. E. Martins.";
dc:description"Figure 20. Schiekia timida M. Pell. et al. A whole plant B cincinnus C flower bud D hairs E, F flower: E side view F frontal view G-I perianth: G upper perianth lobes, showing the lack of nectar guides H medial inner perianth lobe I lateral outer perianth lobe with adnate staminode-like structure J flower with the perianth removed, showing the androecium and gynoecium K, L stamens: K lateral stamen L medial stamen M-N gynoecium: M ovary N stigma O-S fruit: O immature capsule covered by the persistent perianth P immature capsule with perianth removed Q capsule in longitudinal section R capsule in cross-section S dehisced capsule T-V seed: T dorsal view U ventral view V longitudinal section. Illustration by E. J. Hickman. Scale bars: 1.5 cm (A,); 0.35 mm (B); 2 mm (C, E, F); 0.25 mm (D); 1.75 mm (G-I); 1.25 mm (J, O-Q, S); 1 mm (K-M, R); 0.5 mm (N); 0.75 mm (T-V)";