dc:description"Figure 1. Holotype of Brachycephalus herculeus, new species (MNRJ 42408). A Dorsal, B ventral, and C lateral views of the body; D ventral view of foot, and E ventral view of hand. Scale bar = 1 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 2. Ventral and dorsal view of dissected preserved specimens of Brachycephalus herculeus, new species (CFBH 28130), showing scattered areas with pigmentation (dark tissue) in the dorsolateral region adjacent to the dorsal musculature, also around the line of the spinal vertebrae.";
dc:description"Figure 3. The majority rule consensus tree resulting from the Bayesian Inference analysis based on the concatenated alignment of 5456 bp (four mitochondrial and three nuclear genes) showing the relationships within Brachycephalus. Sequences of the new species are highlighted in blue. Numbers associated to nodes represent Bayesian Posterior Probabilities <0.90; all other nodes were fully supported (BPP = 1.0). Voucher numbers of specimens are provided at each terminal, when available. See Table S 2 for the GenBank accession numbers.";
dc:description"Figure 4. Four specimens of Brachycephalus herculeus, new species, in life. Photographs by C. F. D. Rocha (A), C. F. B. Haddad (B) and T. H. Condez (C, D).";
dc:description"Figure 8. Advertisement call of Brachycephalus herculeus, new species (FNJV 58774), recorded at Parque Estadual do Desengano, municipality of Santa Maria Madalena, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 23 February 2011, at 16: 00 p. m., air temperature 20.1 ° C, relative air humidity 88 %. A Spectrogram (above) and oscillogram (low quality; below) of four consecutive calls (or notes), B Spectrogram (above) and oscillogram (low quality; below) of one pulsed call (or note).";
dc:description"Figure 9. High-resolution computed tomography (Micro-CT) scans of paratypes of Brachycephalus herculeus, new species, showing osteological features. A Dorsal, B ventral views of the skeleton (CFBH 28131); C left hand in palmar view (CFBH 28133); D right foot in plantar view (CFBH 28048 and 28137, respectively); E dorsal, F ventral, and G lateral views of the skull (without the lower jaw; CFBH 28133); H dorsal view of vertebral column (CFBH 28137 and 28133, respectively). The dots surround the skeleton in (A) and (B) are osteoderms. Scale bars = 1 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 10. Views of (A) hyolaryngeal skeleton and (B) pelvic girdle of one of the paratypes of Brachycephalus herculeus, new species (MNRJ 42407). Scale bar = 1 mm.";