dc:description"Fig. 1. Living colonies of Halopteris spp. showing their natural coloration. (A) H. polymorpha (Billard, 1913) from Bunaken, in situ (photo CGDC). (B, C) H. sibogae (Billard, 1913) from Bali, in situ. (D) H. vervoorti Galea, 2008 from the Maldives, ex situ (photo DM & SM). (E) H. australis sp. nov. from New Caledonia, in situ. (F) H. millardae sp. nov. from the Maldives, ex situ (photo DM & SM). Photos courtesy: N. & J-M. Bertot (B, C), E. Tardy (E).";
dc:description"Fig. 2. Preserved cormoids of Halopteris spp. showing differences in their appearance. (A): H. polymorpha (Billard, 1913), MHNG- INVE-97937. (B): H. sibogae (Billard, 1913), MHNG-INVE-97938. (C-E): H. vervoorti Galea, 2008 from Bali (MHNG- INVE-97952), Toliara (MHNG-INVE-98633) and Martinique (HRG-0897), respectively. (F): H. australis sp. nov. (MHNG- INVE-82742). (G): H. millardae sp. nov., MHNG-INVE-98634. (H): H. brasiliensis sp. nov., MHNG-INVE-37495, slide H12/37. Scale bar: 5 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 6. Halopteris australis sp. nov. Portion of stem and basal parts of three cladia (A). Stem internode with hydrotheca (B). Portions of cladia enlarged in frontal (C) and lateral (D) aspects. Nematothecae (E): from caulus (E1) and cladia (E2), mesial from cladial hydrotheca (E3), lateral from cauline (E4) and cladial (E5) hydrothecae, single (E6) and paired (E7) axillar associated to cladial hydrothecae. All from sample MHNG-INVE-82742. Scale bars: 10 μm (G), 100 μM (B-E), 200 μm (F), 300 μm (A).";
dc:description"Fig. 3. (A-K) Halopteris polymorpha (Billard, 1913). Portions of stems (A, B) and proximal part of a cladium (C). Stem (D) and cladial (E, F) hydrothecae, the latter in frontal and lateral views, respectively. Nematothecae (G) cauline (G1), cladial (G2), mesial from cauline (G3) and cladial (G4) hydrothecae, laterals from cladial hydrothecae (G5-9), axillar from caulus (G10) and cladium (G11), and associated to the female gonotheca (G12, 13). Female (H, I) and male (J) gonothecae. Cnidome (K). (L-O) Halopteris sp. from Siboga Stn. 299, belonging to the syntype series of Plumularia polymorpha Billard, 1913. Cauline internode (L). Portion of a cladium (M), and the same much enlarged in frontal (N) and lateral (O) views. Specimens CDC004 (A, C, F), MHNG-INVE-97937 (B, D, E, G1-7, 10, 11, H, K), HRG-0421 (G8. 9, 12, 13, I, J), H.L. 1309 (L-O). Scale bars: 10 μm (K), 100 μm (D-G, L, N, O), 200 μm (H-J), 300 μm (A-C, M). ►";
dc:description"Fig. 7. Halopteris millardae sp. nov. Portion of stem with basal parts of three cladia (A). Hydrothecae from stem (B) and cladia (C, D), the latter in frontal and lateral aspects, respectively. Nematothecae (E): from caulus (E1, 2) and ahydrothecate cladial internodes (E3, 4), mesial (E5, 6) and lateral (E7) from cauline hydrotheca, and axillar associated to both cauline (E8) and cladial (E9) hydrothecae.All from sample MHNG-INVE-98634. Scale bars: 10 μm (F), 100 μm (B-E), 300 μm (A).";