dc:description"Fig. 6. Priscula spp., binghamae and andinensis groups, live specimens. A–B. P. pastaza Huber sp. nov.; male and female with egg-sac from Cavernas del Anzu Forest Reserve. C–D. P. bonita Huber sp. nov.; male from La Bonita-Santa Barbara and female with egg-sac from Gruta de los Tayos. E–F. P. lumbaqui Huber sp. nov.; male and female from near Lumbaqui.";
dc:description"Fig. 41. Priscula spp., SEM photographs of female ocular areas and spinnerets. A–B. Ocular areas, frontal views; Priscula pastaza Huber sp. nov. (A) and P. lumbaqui Huber sp. nov. (B). C–E. ALS, P. pastaza (C), P. esmeraldas Huber sp. nov. (D), and P. lumbaqui sp. nov. (E). F–H. Distinctive structures in front of spinnerets (in place of colulus); P. chapintza Huber sp. nov. (F), P. esmeraldas (G), and P. pastaza (H). Scale lines: 100 µm (A–B); 10 µm (C–G); 2 µm (H).";
dc:description"Fig. 43. Priscula spp., SEM photographs of female palps and of male and female tarsal organs. A–B. Tips of female palps in dorsal views; Priscula esmeraldas Huber sp. nov. (A) and P. lumbaqui Huber sp. nov. (B). C. Male palpal tarsal organ, P. pastaza Huber sp. nov. D. Female palpal tarsal organ, P. lumbaqui. E–H. Female tarsal organs on leg 1 (E, P. lumbaqui), leg 2 (F, P. esmeraldas), leg 3 (G, P. pastaza), and leg 4 (H, P. pastaza). Scale lines: 10 µm (A, C–F); 20 µm (B); 2 µm (G–H).";
dc:description"Fig. 44. Priscula spp., SEM photographs of female legs. A–B. Oval plates of unknown function, in Priscula lumbaqui Huber sp. nov. (A, metatarsus 4) and P. pastaza Huber sp. nov. (B, metatarsus 4). C–F. Tarsal claws of leg 1 (C, P. pastaza), leg 2 (D, P. pastaza), leg 3 (E, P. bonita Huber sp. nov.), and leg 4 (F, P. pastaza). G. Microstructure of claw tines (P. chapintza Huber sp. nov.). H. Basis of mechanoreceptive hair (P. chapintza; metatarsus 4), showing distal bulge (on right side). Scale lines: 10 µm.";
dc:description"Fig. 38. Priscula lumbaqui Huber sp. nov.; male paratype from near Lumbaqui, ZFMK Ar 24110. A–C. Left tarsus and procursus, prolateral, dorsal, and retrolateral views. D–F. Left genital bulb, dorsal, retrolateral, and ventral views. Abbreviation: ds =distal sclerite. Scale lines: 0.5 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 40. Priscula lumbaqui Huber sp. nov.; female paratype from near Lumbaqui, ZFMK Ar 24110. A–B. Abdomen, ventral and lateral views; arrows point at sclerite in front of spinnerets. C–D. Cleared genitalia, ventral and dorsal views; arrows point at processes of ventral arc; asterisk marks distinctive triangular sclerite. Scale lines: 0.5 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 37. Priscula lumbaqui Huber sp. nov.; male paratype from near Lumbaqui, ZFMK Ar 24110; left male palp, prolateral, dorsal, and retrolateral views. Scale line: 0.5 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 4. Known distribution of Priscula in Ecuador. A. Representatives of the gularis group. Circles: P. gularis (TL=type locality) and specimens treated herein as “P. gularis?” and “P. cf. gularis”. Squares: other Ecuadorian representatives of the gularis group. B. Representatives of the andinensis group (red) and binghamae group (blue) in Ecuador. The background colors indicate biogeographic regions of Ecuador (as far as relevant for Priscula, i.e., Andean regions from western foothill forests to eastern foothill forests), taken from Torres-Carvajal et al. (2019).";