dc:description"FIGURE 8. Dinosaur bones from the Fruitland and Kirtland Formations. A, Chevron of indeterminate hadrosaur (NMMNH P-1043) from the upper Fruitland Formation in posterior view. B-C, Ribs of indeterminate hadrosaur (NMMNH P-1043) from the upper Fruitland Formation in medial view with healed fractures D-E, Edmontosaurus saskatchewanenss, right humerus (NMMNH P-1041) from the Naashoibito Member of the Kirtland Formation in posterior (D) and anterior (E) views F, Posterior left tibia and astragalus of indeterminate hadrosaur (NMMNH P-1043) from the upper Fruitland Formation in posterior view. G Left femur of indeterminate hadrosaur (NMMNH P-1043) from the upper Fruitland Formation in posterior view. H. Articulated left metatarsals 2 and 3 of an indeterminate hadrosaur (NMMNH P-1043) from the upper Fruitland Formation in anterior view. I-J, Indeterminate nodosaurid osteoscutes (NMMNH P-1078) from the Naashoibito Member of the Kirtland Formation in dorsal view. K-L, Indeterminate nodosaurid osteoscutes (NMMNH P-20880) from the upper Fruitland Formation in dorsal view. M, Third phalanx of fourth digit of pes of a tyrannosaurid (NMMNH P-20879) from the Naashoibito Member of the Kirtland Formation Scale bars are 10 cm except for G (50 cm) and I (1 cm).";