dc:description"FIGURE 1. Lateral view of right side anterior five infraorbital (IO) bones (digitally reversed) of selected anthiadid species showing relative size of IO3: A) Anthias anthias (Linnaeus, 1758), AMS unreg. (ACG CS867), 75 mm SL; B) Compsanthias ventralis, AMS I.45300-254, 36.5 mm SL; C)Nemanthias carberryi Smith, 1954, AMS I.48957-001, 61 mm SL; D) Pseudanthias pleurotaenia (Bleeker, 1857), AMS I.45300-235, 81 mm SL; E) Serranocirrhitus latus Watanabe, 1949, AMS I.45300-318, 34 mm SL; F) Tosana niwae Smith & Pope, 1906, AMS I.48958-001, 55 mm SL. Arrows indicate approximate position of lateral junction of IOs. Scale bars = 1 mm. Photographs by A.C. Gill.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Compsanthias ventralis, male, BPBM 16883, 51.5 mm SL, holotype: A) fresh; B) X-radiograph. Photograph by J.E. Randall; radiograph by C. Atta.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Caudal skeleton of cleared and stained Compsanthias ventralis, AMS I.45300-254, 36.5 mm SL. Abbreviations: EP, epurals; H1–5, hypurals 1–5; HS, haemal spines; NS, neural spines; PCR, principal caudal-fin rays; PH, parhypural; PrCR, procurrent caudal-fin rays; PU2–3, preural centra 2–3; UN, uroneural. Arrow points to cartilage anterior to PU3 haemal spine. Scale bar = 1 mm. Photograph by A.C. Gill.";
dc:description"FIGURE5. Right sidejaws, suspensorium andopercularbones of cleared andstainedCompsanthias ventralis, AMSI.45300-254, 36.5 mm SL, in A) lateral (digitally reversed), and B) medial views. Abbreviations: AA, anguloarticular; CM, coronomeckelian; DEN, dentary; END, endopterygoid; HYO, hyomandibula; IH, interhyal; IOP, interopercle (apparent notch in ventral edge is an artifact); MET, metapterygoid; MX, maxilla; OP, opercle; PAL, palatine; PMX, premaxilla; POP, preopercle; Q, quadrate; RA, retroarticular; SOP, subopercle; SY, symplectic. Scale bar = 1 mm. Photographs by A.C. Gill.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Right side dorsal gill arches of Compsanthias ventralis, AMS I.45300-254, 36.5 mm SL: A) ventral view; B) dorsal view. Abbreviations: EB1–4, epibranchials 1–4; LP, levator process on epibranchial 4; PB1–4, pharyngobranchials 1–4; PB4TP, pharyngobranchial 4 toothplate; UP, uncinate process on epibranchial 1. Bone shown in light stipple, cartilage in dark grey; gill rakers not shown. Scale bar = 1 mm. Illustration by A.C. Gill.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Anterior portion of dorsal fin of cleared and stained Compsanthias ventralis, AMS I.45300-254, 36.5 mm SL. Abbreviations: DR1, distal radial of first dorsal pterygiophore; DR3, distal radial of third dorsal pterygiophore; DSP1, first dorsal-fin spine; DR3, third dorsal-fin spine; NS1, first neural spine; NS5, fifth neural spine; PR+MR1, proximal + middle radials of first dorsal pterygiophore; PR+MR3, proximal + middle radials of third dorsal pterygiophore; SN, supraneurals. Arrows point to median posterior processes from distal radials. Scale bar = 1 mm. Photograph by A.C. Gill.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Compsanthias hawaiiensis, larva, 10.5 mm SL, Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center reference collection (number HLIP-780), off Necker Island, Hawaii, USA. Photograph by B.C. Mundy, retired from the NOAA NMFS Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center using PIFSC facilities.";