dc:description"Fig. 1. C. microlanius (NHMUK PV R36822), anatomical details. (A) Rock slab exhibits articulated partial left side of skull and mandible in medial view next to articulat- ed anterior skeleton.(B to D) Segmented CT scan models with regions outlined in (A);(B) is obverse side to (A).(E) Close-up of the left-hand side of the skull in medial view. (F) Lateral view of CT-scanned right mandible. Arrow points to anterior in this and subsequent figures. 2nd, secondary;Ad,adductor;An, angular; Ant, anterior; At, atlas; Ax, axis; Ba,basioccipital; Bs,basipterygoid;C, crest or crista; Car,carpal; Cer,cervical; Cl, clavicle; Co, coracoid;Cor, coronoid; De, deltopectoral; Den, dentary; Do, dorsal; Ec, ectopterygoid; Ect, ectepicondyle (ectepicondylar); Ent, entepicondylar; Fo, foramen (foramina); Fos, fossa;Hu, humerus (humeral); In, intercentrum; Inc, interclavicle; Ju, jugal; L., left; Lac, lacrimal; Mt., metacarpal; Mx, maxilla (maxillary); Not, notch; Oto, otoccipital; Pa, palatine; Pm, premaxilla; Po, postorbital; Post, posterior; Pra,prearticular;Prf,prefrontal;Proc,process;Pt,pterygoid;Q,quadrate;R,right;Ra,radius;Rart,retroarticular;Ri,rib;Sc,scapula;Sp,septomaxilla;Sph,sphenoid;Spl,splenial; Sq, squamosal; Sup,supratemporal; Sur, surangular;Tu, tubera;Ul, ulna; V, vertebra(l);Vo,vomer.";