dc:description"Fig. 3. Comparisons of mediolateral (A, B) and anteroposterior (C, D) strengths of tyrannosaurid and non−tyrannosaurid theropod maxillary teeth, plotted against skull length. Regressions are by least squares, on log transformed data for the tyrannosaurids. Trend lines are allometric in the tyannosaurids but linear in non−tyrannosaurids. Tooth strengths of Tyrannosaurus rex are much higher than in any other examined taxon. Starting points of the small arrows indicate the position of the juvenile T. rex (TrJ). See Appendix 1 for other specimen labels.";
dc:description"Fig. 4. CT reconstructions of tyrannosaurid nasals in side and top views. Anterior is to the right. A. Tyrannosaurus rex (TMP 98.86.01; cast of BHI 2033). B. Daspletosaurus torosus (TMP 98.48.1). C. Albertosaurus sarcophagus (TMP 2000.12.1). D. Adult Gorgosaurus libratus (TMP 86.64.1). E. Juvenile Gorgosaurus libratus (TMP 86.144.1). Scale bars 15 cm.";
dc:description"Fig. 5. CT cross sections and reconstructions of Allosaurus fragilis nasals: A, largest (UUVP 1663/UMNH VP 9146); B, midsize (UUVP 1913/ UMNH VP 9144); and C, smallest (UUVP 10854/UMNHVP 7784). Anterior is to the right. Cross sections are from the strongly pneumatized regions of the nasals, at positions indicated by the dashed lines. The slices are normalized to the same size to show the relative degree of pneumatic excavation, evident despite mineral infilling in some sections. Reconstructions are in lateral views and in dorsal views with single left or right specimens mirrored to replicate complete pairs. Specimen B is broken over the posterior part of the external nares. Scale bar 10 cm.";
dc:description"Fig. 7. CT−scanned cross−sections of fused tyrannosaurid nasals, showing greater vaulting and higher cross−sectional areas of bone in larger individuals. A. Gorgosaurus libratus (juvenile: TMP 86.144.1). B. Gorgosaurus libratus (subadult: TMP 86.64.1). C. Daspletosaurus torosus (adult: TMP 98.48.1). Numbers 1–4: cross−sections at topologically similar positions, from posterior to anterior.";
dc:description"Fig. 6. Geometry used to compute the area, centroid, and second moments of area of a nasal cross−section (from middle region of fused Tyrannosaurus rex nasals: TMP 98.86.01; cast of BHI 2033). A. Decomposition of the cross−section to compute area by summing areas of triangles. Small “+”s are centroids of individual triangles. Large “+” is the centroid for the complete section. B. Cross−section partitioned into horizontal and vertical strips of known area and position, used to calculate second moments of area.";
dc:description"Fig. 8. Average strengths of nasal cross−sections in tyrannosaurids and Allosaurus fragilis, plotted against nasal length. A. Cross−sectional areas, proportional to compression strengths. B. Second moment of area, proportional to vertical bending strength. C. Second moment of area, proportional to lateral bending strength. Values for the A. fragilis nasals are uncorrected for the hollowness of the sections, which would reduce their strengths. Lines fitted to the tyrannosaurid values are derived from log transformed data. See Appendix 1 for labels.";
dc:description"Fig. 9. Comparison of theropod nasal strengths at multiple transverse sections. Horizontal (Iy) and vertical (Iz) second moments of area of nasal cross−sections of Allosaurus fragilis (upper two graphs) and tyrannosaurids (lower two graphs). Second moments of area are proportional to lateral (Iy) and vertical (Iz) bending strengths. X−axes of graphs show relative position of slices along the long axes of the bones: 0.0 is posterior and 1.0 anterior.";
dc:description"Fig. 10. Heights and widths of tyrannosaurid nasal slices normalized for slice area and bone length. A. Normalized heights (“vaulting index”) showing convergence of vaulting pattern at large size. B. Normalized widths (“span index”) showing isometric form in most specimens, but exaggerated relative width in Tyrannosaurus rex nasals. Points of maximum vaulting and span are indicated on nasals of T. rex (TMP 98.86.01; cast of BHI 2033). Symbols as per Fig. 9.";
dc:description"Fig. 11. Top and side views of theropod crania used to reconstruct crosssectional shapes, and oblique views of reconstructed plinge cross−sections for each cranium. Second moments of area of the plinges were calculated as indices of bending and torsional cranium strengths. A–D, carnosaurs; E–G, tyrannosaurids.";
dc:description"Fig. 12. Schematic trapezoidal cross−sections of theropod crania, with geometry and expressions for computing second moments of area. A. Determining moments with respect to the horizontal (Z) axis. The width of a strip of area is a function of its vertical (Y) coordinate. B. Determining moments with respect to the vertical (Y) axis; the cross−section is partitioned into two central rectangular areas, and two lateral triangular regions.";
dc:description"Fig. 13. Strength indicators computed for theropod crania under mediolateral (A), dorsoventral (B), and torsional (C) loadings. Tyrannosaurid crania are invariably stronger than those of carnosaurs for a given skull length. See Appendix 1 for labels.";
dc:description"Fig. 14. A. Functional integration of strengths of the tyrannosaurid head skeleton when subjected to feeding forces. Dark arrows represent direct influences of forces on structures, and direct integration of structural strengths. Light arrows represent less direct influences of structures on one another. B. Correlated progression of tyrannosauroid feeding adaptations mapped onto a tyrannosauroid cladogram after Xu et al. (2004) and Holtz (2004). Arrow at left represents phyletic increases that likely occurred at all ingroup nodes except G. libratus + A. sarcophagus.";
dc:description"Fig. 2. Comparison of vertical bending strengths of adult theropod dentaries, graphed as mid−dentary section modulus versus mandible length (data from Therrien et al. 2005). Lines fitted by least squares regression, by log transformed values for the tyrannosaurid data. Carnosaur dentary strengths scale linearly with dentary length, while tyrannosaurid dentary strengths show an exponential increase. The tyrannosaurid dentaries are stronger than those of carnosaurs for a given mandible length, indicating a relatively stronger bite. See Appendix 1 for specimen labels; Gc, Giganotosaurus carolinii.";
dc:description"Fig. 15. Nasal articulations with maxillae in juvenile Gorgosaurus libratus (nasals at top; TMP 86.144.1) adult Tyrannosaurus rex (nasals in middle and maxilla below; TMP 98.86.01; cast of BHI 2033). The interlocking, staircase−style articulation in the adult Tyrannosaurus rex efficiently transmitted compressional forces and increased the shear strength of the articulation. Dashed lines show the extent of the staircased articulation, and the solid line indicates a projection on the nasals and the corresponding depression in the maxilla.";