dc:title"Scorpions of Sri Lanka (Scorpiones Buthidae, Chaerilidae, Scorpionidae) with description of four new species of the genera Charmus Karsch, 1879 and Reddyanus Vachon, 1972, stat n";
dc:description"Figures 16–19: Buthoscorpio sarasinorum. Figures 16–17. Male from locality 15CF in dorsal (16) and ventral (17) views. Figures 18–19. Female from locality 15CG in dorsal (18) and ventral (19) views.";
dc:description"Figures 241–259: Pedipalp chela dorsal (241), movable finger (242–250), and fixed finger (251–259) of Sri Lankan Isometrus, Lychas, and Reddyanus species. Figures 241–242, 252. Isometrus maculatus, female from locality 15CO (241) and male from locality 15CP (242, 252). Figures 243–244, 253. I. thwaitesi, male from locality 15CH (243) and female from locality 15CO (244, 253). Figures 245, 254. Reddyanus basilicus, male from locality 15CS. Figures 246, 255. R. besucheti, male from locality 15CD. Figures 247, 256. R. ceylonensis sp. n., male holotype. Figures 248, 257. R. jayarathnei sp. n., male paratype. Figures 249, 258. R. loebli, male from locality 15CG. Figures 250, 259. R. ranawanai sp. n., male holotype. Figure 251. Lychas srilankensis, male from locality 15CO.";
dc:description"Figures 403–429: Telson, lateral view of Sri Lankan Buthidae and Chaerilidae species. Figures 403–404. Isometrus maculatus, male from locality 15CP (403) and female from locality 15CI (404). Figures 405–406. I. thwaitesi, male from locality 15CH (405) and female from locality 15CO (406). Figures 407–408. Lychas srilankensis, male (407) and female (408) from locality 15CJ. Figures 409–410. Reddyanus basilicus, male (409) and female (410) from locality 15CR. Figures 411–412. R. besucheti, male holotype (411) and female from locality 15CG (412). Figures 413–414. R. ceylonensis sp. n., male holotype (413) and female paratype (414) from locality 15CI. Figures 415–416. R. jayarathnei sp. n., male (415) and female (416) paratypes. Figures 417–418. R. loebli, male (417) and female (418) from locality 15CG. Figures 419–420. R. ranawanai sp. n., male holotype (419) and female paratype (420). Figures 421–422: Buthoscorpio sarasinorum, male from locality 15CF (421) and female from locality 15CG (422). Figures 423–424. Charmus laneus, male (423) and female (424) from locality 15CO. Figures 425–426. Charmus saradieli sp. n. male paratype (425) (MHNG) and female holotype (426). Figurs 427. Hottentotta tamulus, male from locality 15CK (427). Figures 428–429. Chaerilus ceylonensis, male (428) and female (429) from locality 15CD.";
dc:description"Figures 547–554: The mitotic metaphases of buthid males from Sri Lanka. Buthoscorpio sarasinorum from locality 15CF (2n=14) (547), Charmus laneus from locality 15CO (2n=9) (548), Isometrus thwaitesi from locality 15CF (2n=8) (549), Lychas srilankensis from locality 15CN (2n=16) (550), Reddyanus basilicus from locality 15CS (2n=16) (551), Reddyanus basilicus from locality 15CR (2n=15) (552), Reddyanus ceylonensis from locality 15CI (2n=16) (553), Reddyanus loebli from locality 15CH (2n=17) (554). Arrowheads indicate extra large odd chromosomes. Scale bar = 5 µm for 547–554.";
dc:description"Figures 555–570: Key characters for distinguishing males of Sri Lankan Isometrus and Reddyanus. Figures 555–556, 565– 566. Pedipalp chela dorsal view, I. maculatus from locality 15CP (555), I. thwaitesi from locality 15CH (556), R. basilicus, holotype (565), and R. besucheti, holotype (566). Figures 557–558. Sternopectinal area, I. maculatus from locality 15CP (557), and I. thwaitesi from locality 15CH (558). Figures 559–560, 567–570. Sternite V, I. maculatus from locality 15CP (559), I. thwaitesi from locality 15CH (560), R. besucheti, from locality 15CF (567), R. ceylonensis sp. n., holotype (568), R. jayarathnei sp. n., paratype (569), and R. ranawanai sp. n., paratype (570). Figures 561–564. Metasomal segment II lateral (561–562) and pedipalp patella dorsal (563–564), R. loebli from locality 15CG (561, 563) and R. besucheti, from locality 15CF (562, 564).";
dc:description"Figures 595–596: Figure 595. Locality 15CQ, Sri Lanka, Uva Province, Monaragala District, Monaragala, 06°52'30.7\"N 081°21'17\"E, 288 m a.s.l. During night collecting on 2.–3.V.2015 (UV detection) we recorded Reddyanus loebli (under scales of bark and under bark) and Heterometrus serratus (females with juveniles inside oblique burrows). On the locality we recorded a temperature of 33.1 ºC at 5.00 p.m., which gradually dropped to 24.6 ºC (minimum temperature) before sunrise. Humidity during the night varied between 61% and 84%. Figure 596. Locality 15CR, Sri Lanka, Eastern Province, Ampara District, Lahugala Kitulana National Park, 06°52'46\"N 081°43'21.8\"E, 40 m a.s.l. During night collecting on 3.–4.V.2015 (10.00 p.m. to 01.00 a.m.) we recorded Isometrus maculatus (running on branches, also sitting on leaves on trees), Reddyanus basilicus (on the ground among leaves) and Reddyanus loebli (hidden under scales of bark of standing tree trunks). On the locality we recorded between 10.00 p.m. on 3.V. and 01.00 a.m. on 4.V.2015 temperature 28 ºC, which gradually dropped to 26.9 ºC and humidity 73%.";
dc:description"Figures 209–224: Metasomal segments II–III, lateral view of Sri Lankan Reddyanus and Isometrus species. Figures 209–210. Reddyanus basilicus, male (209) and female (210) from locality 15CR. Figures 211–212. R. besucheti, male holotype (211) and female from locality 15CG (212). Figures 213–214. R. ceylonensis sp. n., male holotype (213) and female paratype from locality 15CI (214). Figures 215–216. R. jayarathnei sp. n., male (215) and female (216) paratypes. Figures 217–218. R. loebli, male (217) and female (218) from locality 15CG. Figures 219–220. R. ranawanai sp. n., male holotype (219) and female paratype (220). Figures 221–222. Isometrus maculatus, male from locality 15CP (221) and female from locality 15CI (222). Figures 223– 224. I. thwaitesi, male from locality 15CH (223) and female from locality 15CO (224).";
dc:description"Figures 225–240: Pedipalp, dorsal view of Sri Lankan Reddyanus and Isometrus species. Figures 225–226. Reddyanus basilicus, male (225) and female (226) from locality 15CR. Figures 227–228. R. besucheti, male from locality 15CD (227) and female from locality 15CG (228). Figures 229–230. R. ceylonensis sp. n., male holotype (229) and female paratype from locality 15CI (230). Figures 231–232. R. jayarathnei sp. n., male (231) and female (232) paratypes. Figures 233–234. R. loebli, male (233) and female (234) from locality 15CG. Figures 235–236. R. ranawanai sp. n., male holotype (235) and female paratype (236). Figures 237–238. Isometrus maculatus, male from locality 15CP (237) and female from locality 15CI (238). Figures 239–240. I. thwaitesi, male from locality 15CH (239) and female from locality 15CO (240).";
dc:description"Figures 264–269: Reddyanus basilicus. Figures 264, 266. Male from locality 15CS, chelicerae, carapace and tergites I–III (264), and sternopectinal region and sternite III (266). Figures 265, 267. Female from locality 15CS, chelicerae, carapace and tergites I–III (265) and sternopectinal region and sternites III–IV (267). Figures 268–269. Male from locality 15CR, chelicera dorsal (268) and ventral (269) aspects.";
dc:description"Figures 597–598: Figure 597. Locality 15CS, Sri Lanka, Eastern Province, Ampara District, Ampara env., 07°20'01.3\"N 081°41'57.1\"E, 56 m a.s.l. During night collecting on 4.V.2015 (between 10.00 and 11.30 p.m.) we recorded Buthoscorpio sarasinorum (running on the ground among leaves and escaping to borrows), Reddyanus basilicus (on the ground among leaves), and Reddyanus loebli (hidden under scales of bark of standing tree trunks). Near to the locality we recorded maximum day temperature 39 ºC and 27 ºC night temperature at 10.00 p.m.; humidity 68%. Figure 598. Locality 15CT, Sri Lanka, Central Province, Kandy District, Tree centre Wildlif Trust Sri Lanka “Rantambe”, 07°12'22.1\"N 080°57'20.7\"E, 171 m a.s.l. During night collecting on 5.V.2015 (between 11.00 and 12.00 p.m.) during rain we recorded Buthoscorpio sarasinorum (running during rain on the ground among leaves) and Reddyanus loebli (hidden under scales of bark of standing tree trunks). On the locality we recorded night temperature 28.4 ºC– 24.8 ºC (minimum temperature) and night humidity varied between 61% and 83%.";
dc:description"Figures 193–200: Distal segments of leg IV, retroventral view of Sri Lankan Buthidae and Chaerilidae genera. Buthoscorpio sarasinorum, male from locality 15CF (193), Charmus laneus, male from locality 15CO (194), Hottentotta tamulus, male from locality 15CK (195), Isometrus maculatus, female from locality 15CI (196), Isometrus thwaitesi, female from locality 15CO (197), Lychas srilankensis, male from locality 15CJ (198), Reddyanus basilicus, male from locality 15CS (199), and Chaerilus ceylonensis, male from locality 15CD (200).";
dc:description"Figures 260–263: Reddyanus basilicus from locality 15CS. Figures 260–261. Male in dorsal (260) and ventral (261) views. Figures 262–263. Female in dorsal (262) and ventral (263) views. Scale bar: 10 mm.";
dc:description"Figures 287–290: Reddyanus basilicus from locality 15CS, female (287), female with newborns before first ecdysis (288), female with juveniles after first ecdysis (289), and male (290).";