dc:description"FIGURE 4. Representative images of the beaded sea anemone Heteractis aurora encompassing a broad range of geographic and phenotypic variation. A) Multi-colored, whole individual in typical rubble microhabitat with characteristic beaded tentacle morphology (Maldives) B) Macro photograph of stereotypical beaded tentacle morphology (Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands). C) Partially retracted/folded oral disc revealing highly contrasting white verrucae on gray column (arrow). Also note zebrastriped oral disc pattern (Fares-Maathodaa, Maldives). D) White phenotype hosting Amphiprion clarki (Fares-Maathodaa, Maldives). E) Individual with partially beaded tentacles. White peripheral tentacles with lightly beaded morphology with inner brown tentacles without beads and horizontal stripes (Anilao, Philippines). Photographs by Morgan Bennett-Smith, Benjamin M. Titus, and Scott Johnson.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Representative images of the bubble-tip sea anemone Entacmaea quadricolor encompassing a broad range of geographic and phenotypic variation. A) Wide angle photograph of large solitary individual highlighting typical microhabitat requirements for the species. Note the tentacles are both bulbous and digitiform within this individual (Saudi Arabia, Red Sea). B) Dense aggregation of hundreds of small clonal sea anemones growing among a shallow branching stony coral serving as hosts to a colony of Amphiprion melanopus (Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands). C) Macro photograph of characteristic bubble tips. Note the striated pattern of the tentacle (Fares-Maathodaa, Maldives). D) Individual anemone with all tentacles exhibiting characteristic bulbous tentacle morphology (Fares-Maathodaa, Maldives). E) Red solitary individual with long digitiform tentacles hosting (Saudi Arabia, Red Sea). Photographs by Morgan Bennett-Smith, Benjamin M. Titus, and Scott Johnson.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Confirmed geographic range of Heteractis aurora in the Indo-West Pacific. Red dots represent species observations from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). Blue shaded area represents shallow water habitat (60 m bathymetry).";