dc:title"Seven new species of Paleanotus (Annelida: Chrysopetalidae) described from Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, and coral reefs of northern Australia and the Indo-Pacific: two cryptic species pairs revealed between western Pacific Ocean and the eastern Indian Ocean";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Paleanotus adornatus n. sp. A – C: NTM W. 23677: Lizard Island, GBR. A. Lateral group and main paleae; B. Micropic of main palea; C. Median and medial main paleae; D. Micropic of notopodium, NTM W. 23660: Heron Island, GBR; E. Micropic of notopodium, AM W. 7531: Dampier, WA. F – G: P. adornatus broad form. F. Micropic of notopodium and neuropodium, NTM W. 25644: North Direction Island, GBR; G. Micropic of notopodium and neuropodium, SIO A 3629: Indonesia, West Papua, Raja Ampat. Abbreviations: me = median paleae, mm = medial main paleae. Scale bars: A, C = 100 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. A. Paleanotus generalized notochaetal fan; B. Main paleae sculptural detail. C – I: Comparative micropics of main palea in Paleanotus new species. C. Paleanotus inornatus n. sp., NTM W. 23684; D. P. adornatus n. sp., NTM. W. 23660; E. P. acquifolia n. sp., NTM W. 23440; F. P. latifolia n. sp., NTM. W. 23710; G. P. silus n. sp., NTM. W. 23731; H. P. silopsis n. sp., NTM W. 23186; I. P. chrysos n. sp., NTM. W. 25641. Abbreviations: b. l = ‘ broken line’sculpture, c = cilia, gl = gland, h. s = horizontal striae, la = lateral paleae, ma = main paleae, me = median paleae, r. r = raised rib, su 1 = sub-unit 1 palea.";