dc:creator"Kawahara, Akito Y.; Nishida, Kenji; Davis, Donald R.";
dc:title"Systematics, host plants, and life histories of three new Phyllocnistis species from the central highlands of Costa Rica (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae, Phyllocnistinae)";
dc:description"Figure 2. Adults of three new Phyllocnistis species from Costa Rica. A Phyllocnistis drimiphaga sp. n., holotype female B P. maxberryi sp. n., holotype female (abdomen removed for dissection) C P. tropaeolicola sp. n., holotype male.";
dc:description"Figure 6. Phyllocnistis tropaeolicola sp. n., genitalia. A Male, ventral view B right valva, mesal view C aedeagus D female, lateral view E ventral view of terminal segments. (Scale bar 0.5 mm except for figure B, 0.25 mm.)";
dc:description"Figure 12. Life history of Phyllocnistis tropaeolicola sp.n. A Leaf mines on a young leaf,arrows pointing at young to middle instar larvae B mature leaf mine with pupal cocoon fold (arrow), white square enclosing early stage mine region C mature sap-feeding larva in pre-cocoon chamber D detailed view of figure C E opened mine showing nearly mature sap-feeding larva in situ F opened young pupal cocoon fold showing cocoon-spinning instar in situ G pupal cocoon fold, arrow pointing to the slender exit H opened pupal cocoon fold showing pupa in situ, dorsolateral view.";
dc:description"Figure 10. Life history of Phyllocnistis drimiphaga sp. n. A Leaf mines on abaxial side of leaf surface, white square enclosing early mine, arrow pointing to pupal cocoon fold B close-up view of early mine, arrow pointing to egg shell remains C same as figure B, but showing frass pattern (photo taken with sunlight projecting through the leaf from behind) D nearly mature old mine on adaxial side E nearly mature old mine on abaxial side (photo taken from adaxial side) F opened mine showing mature sapfeeding larva in situ G opened young pupal cocoon fold showing cocoon-spinning larva in situ H pupal cocoon fold on adaxial mine I opened pupal cocoon fold showing pupa in situ (dorsal view) Į protruded and attached pupal shell (arrow) on pupal cocoon fold of an abaxial leaf mine K opened pupal cocoon fold on adaxial mine showing Ageniaspis cocoons in situ.";
dc:description"Figure 9. Phyllocnistis tropaeolicola sp. n., pupa. A Ventral view of head B ventral view of cocoon-cutter C frons D lateral view of head E lateral view of cocoon-cutter F dorsal view of fourth abdominal tergum G spines on fourth abdominal tergum H lateral view of spines on fourth abdominal tergum I view of abdominal tip Į dorsal view of A9–10 K lateral seta on A9–10 L lateral seta on seventh abdominal tergum. Scale bars 100 µm.";
dc:description"Figure 1. Habitats and larval host plants of Phyllocnistis species. A Cerro de la Muerte, Villa Mills region, 3000 m and below, in Cordillera de Talamanca B Volcán Barva, ALAS transect, 2000 m, in Braulio Carillo National Park C habitat of P. drimiphaga in Cerro de la Muerte, km 70 Pan-American Hwy, road to El Paraíso del Quetzal, 2700 m, arrow pointing to host plant where mines were found D young stem shoots and leaves of Drimys granadensis of C, growing from base of the tree E flowers and leaves of D. granadensis F habitat of P. maxberryi in Cerro de la Muerte, km 95 Pan-American Hwy, trail front of La Georgina in Villa Mills, 3100 m, arrow pointing to host plant where mines were found Gyoung growth of Gaiadendron punctatum in front, and mature trees with yellow fruits in behind, at ALAS transect in Vara Blanca, 2000 m H habitat of P.tropaeolicola in Cerro de la Muerte, on km 95 Pan-American Hwy, near La Gegina in Mills, 3100 m, arrow pointing to host plant where mines were found I Tropaeolum emarginatum, details of host plants that are shown in H.";