# Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName <http://taxon-name.plazi.org/id/Animalia/elaborate>' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName <http://taxon-name.plazi.org/id/Archaea/syntrophicum>' due to issues with rank ;
dc:description"Fig.3 | Microscopy characterizationand lipid composition ofMK-D1. a–c, SEMimages ofMK-D1.Singlecell (a), aggregated cellscovered with EPS-like materials (b) and adividing cell with polar chainsof blebs (c). d, Cryo-electron tomographyimage of MK-D1.The top-right insetimage showsa magnification of the boxed area to show the cell envelopestructure.e, Cryo-EM imageof large membranevesicles attachedto and surrounding MK-D1 cells.f, Ultrathin section of anMK-D1 cell and a membranevesicle.The bottom-right insetimage showsamagnified viewof the membranevesicle.g, h,SEM imagesof MK-D1 cells producinglong branching (g)and straight (h) membraneprotrusions. i,Ultrathin section of aMK-D1 cell with protrusions.j, A total ionchromatogram of gas chromatography–massspectrometry (GC–MS) forlipids extractedfrom ahighly purified MK-D1 culture.The chemical structures ofisoprenoids and";
dc:description"Fig.1 | Growthcurves and photomicrographs ofthe culturedLokiarchaeota strainMK-D1.a, Growth curves of MK-D1 inanaerobic medium supplemented withcasamino acids (CA)alone;casaminoacids with20 amino acids(AAs)and powderedmilk (PM);or peptone withpowdered milk.Resultsare alsoshown forcultures fed with10- and 100-fold dilutionof casamino acids,20 amino acidsand powderedmilk.b,c, Fluorescence images of cellsfrom enrichment cultures after8 (b)and 11 (c)transfers stained withDAPI (violet) and hybridized withnucleotide probesthat targetMK-D1 (green) andBacteria (red).Piecharts show the relative abundance of microbialpopulations based onSSU rRNA gene-tag sequencing(iTAG)analysis.d, A fluorescenceimage of cellsfrom enrichment cultures after11 transfers hybridized withnucleotide probesthat target MK-D1 (green) andMethanogenium(red).TheFISH experiments were performedthree times withsimilar results.e, SEM image of a highlypurified co-culture of MK-D1 andMethanogenium. White arrows indicate Methanogeniumcells.We observed four different co-cultureswith Methanogenium.Representative of n = 40 recordedimages.Thedetailed iTAG-based communitycompositions of cultures correspondingto each of theimages areshown inSupplementary Table 1.Scale bars,10 Μm (b, c) and 5Μm (d, e).";
dc:description"γ-amino-butyryl-CoA;But-CoA,butyryl-CoA;Fd,ferredoxin;XSH/X-S-S-X, thiol/disulfide pair;TCA,tricarboxylic acid cycle;PPP,pentose-phosphate pathway.b–e, NanoSIMS analysis of ahighly purified MK-D1 culture incubated with amixture of 13C- and15N-labelled amino acids.b, Green fluorescent micrograph of SYBR Green I-stained cells.Aggregates are MK-D1,and filamentous cells areMethanobacterium sp.strainMO-MB1 (fluorescence can be weak owing tothe high rigidity andlow permeability of the cellmembrane (Extended Data Fig.2m,n;see also ref.49).c, NanoSIMS ion image of 12C(cyan). d,NanoSIMS ion image of 12C15N/12C14N (magenta).e, Overlay image of b–d. d,The colour bar indicates the relative abundance of 15Nexpressed as 15N/14N. Scale bars 5Μm.TheNanoSIMS analysis was performedwithout replicates due to itsslow growth rate andlow cell density.However,to ensurethe reproducibility,we usedtwo different types of highly purifiedcultures of MK-D1 (see Methods).Representative of n = 8 recordedimages.TheiTAG analysis of theimaged culture is shown inSupplementary Table 1.";
dc:description"Fig.2| Syntrophic amino acidutilizationofMK-D1.a,Genome-based metabolicreconstruction of MK-D1.Metabolicpathways identified (coloured or black) andnot identified (grey)are shown.For identified pathways,each step (solid line) or process (dotted) is markedby whether itis oxidative (red), reductive (blue),ATP-yielding (orange)or ATP-consuming (purple).Wavy arrowsindicate exchange of compounds:formate,H2, amino acids,vitamin B12, biotin,lipoateand thiamine pyrophosphate(TPP),which are predicted tobe metabolizedor synthesized bythe partnering Halodesulfovibrioand/or Methanogenium.Biosynthetic pathways areindicated with ayellow background.Metatranscriptomics-detected amino-acid-catabolizing pathwaysare indicated (black dots aboveamino acids).DHDH,4,5-dihydroxy- 2,6-dioxohexanoate;DHDG,2-dehydro-3-deoxy-d-gluconate;DHDG6P, 3-dehydro-3-deoxy-d-gluconate 6-phosphate;Ac-CoA,acetyl-CoA;uro, urocanate;Fo-Glu,formylglutamate;CH3=H4F,methylene-tetrahydrofolate; CH≡H4F,methenyl-tetrahydrofolate;Fo-H4F,formyl-tetrahydrofolate;2OB, 2-oxobutyrate;Prop-CoA,propionyl-CoA;ACAC,acetoacetate;GB-CoA, γ-amino-butyryl-CoA;But-CoA,butyryl-CoA;Fd,ferredoxin;XSH/X-S-S-X, thiol/disulfide pair;TCA,tricarboxylic acid cycle;PPP,pentose-phosphate pathway.b–e, NanoSIMS analysis of ahighly purified MK-D1 culture incubated with amixture of 13C- and15N-labelled amino acids.b, Green fluorescent micrograph of SYBR Green I-stained cells.Aggregates are MK-D1,and filamentous cells areMethanobacterium sp.strainMO-MB1 (fluorescence can be weak owing tothe high rigidity andlow permeability of the cellmembrane (Extended Data Fig.2m,n;see also ref.49).c, NanoSIMS ion image of 12C(cyan). d,NanoSIMS ion image of 12C15N/12C14N (magenta).e, Overlay image of b–d. d,The colour bar indicates the relative abundance of 15Nexpressed as 15N/14N. Scale bars 5Μm.TheNanoSIMS analysis was performedwithout replicates due to itsslow growth rate andlow cell density.However,to ensurethe reproducibility,we usedtwo different types of highly purifiedcultures of MK-D1 (see Methods).Representative of n = 8 recordedimages.TheiTAG analysis of theimaged culture is shown inSupplementary Table 1.";