dc:description"FIGURE 3. A–N. Apinagia brejoagrestinensis (based on the holotype and paratype).A. Stem flattened, flexuous, evidencing the leaves of fleshy base from which emerge the flowers. B. Detail of the dichotomously branched leaf. C. Detail of the leaf axil evidencing the flower buds. D. Flower bud at the moment of rupture of the spathella during the beginning of the anthesis. E. Enlarged detail of the spathella trichomes. F. Fleshy base of the leaves showing developed flowers. G. External view of the flower in anthesis. H. Internal view of the flower in anthesis. J. Tepals. K. Enlarged detail of the tepal trichomes. L. Stamens of oblong anthers. M. Developed capsule. N. Dehiscent capsule, showing two persistent valves.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Apinagia brejoagrestinensis. Type locality, life form, and close-up of the flowers.A. Reach of rapids where the species occur (white arrows). B Life form of the plant in the beginning of flowering, in the dry season. C. Close-up of the flowers in anthesis.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Apinagia brejoagrestinensis. Optical micrograph of the spathella and its unicellular trichomes.A. General view of the spathella and its unicellular trichomes. B. Detail of the unicellular trichomes on the spathella.";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Distribution of Apinagia brejoagrestinensis. A. South America highlighting (square) the northeast of Brazil. B. Northeastern Brazil, highlighting the Borborema Plateau (striped area) and municipality of Agrestina, near the locality of A. brejoagrestinensis (●). C. Riacho Mentirosos, locality of the new species and municipality of Agrestina (●).";