dc:description"FIGURE 4. Flustrellidra armata sp. nov. NIBRIV 0000100504. A, immature zooids from region near colony margin, interspersed with distolateral kenozooids flanking orifice, with long pointed spines tilted forward; B, immature zooids intercalated with one to three pairs of distal and lateral kenozooids with sharp, elongate spines; C, zooids separated by series of lateral oval kenozooids, some twinned, with sharp spines slightly tilted over frontal surface; D, zooids separated by three to four pairs of lateral kenozooids with sharp spines, with occasional minute, spiny kenozooids proximally; E, mature zooids separated laterally by double series of small kenozooids with sharp spines slightly curved over frontal surface; F, zooids from old colony region, separated laterally and proximally by single to double series of minute kenozooids with short, pointed spines; G, general view of basal plate and stalk of colony, composed entirely of kenozooids of irregular shape; H, close-up of kenozooids from encrusting basal plate. Scale-bars: A, D, G, 0.5 mm; B, C, E, F, H, 0.2 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Flustrellidra armata n. sp. NIBRIV 0000100504. A, distal view of terminal end of branch showing zone of developing zooids, marginal kenozooids, and a compact group of closely arranged vicarious kenozooids with long, stout tubular spines, pointed or weakly ramified at tips; B, frontal view of terminal end of branch with deep zone of developing zooids, marginal kenozooids, and two vicarious kenozooids with a long tubular spine having a blunt or forked tip; C, distal view of terminal end of branch, showing spinous marginal kenozooids and tubular kenozooidal spines in the opposite layers; D, close-up of marginal kenozooids with conical spines directed forward at various angles, fringing the zone of developing zooids; E, lateral margin of branch showing one or two distolateral pairs of spiny kenozooids between immature zooids; also evident are marginal kenozooids with pointed, conical spines; F, region of mature zooids near lateral margin of branch, showing zooids separated by two series of small spiny kenozooids; marginal kenozooids with pointed spines; and a vicarious kenozooid with a long, tubular spine, weakly bifurcate at tip; G, highermagnification view of vicarious kenozooid in F, which bears a tubular spine with slightly forked tip and is surrounded by minute kenozooids with short, laterally directed spines; H, base of vicarious kenozooidal spine, flanked proximolaterally by minute spinous kenozooids arising from the two lateral autozooids (each indicated by the large orifice). Scale-bars: A, 1 mm; B – D, 0.5 mm. E – G, 0.2 mm; H, 0.1 mm.";