dc:description"FIGURE 2. Neoscirula aliciae sp. nov. female. A, hypostoma ventral view; B, hypostoma dorsal view; C, chelicera; D, genua, tibia and tarsus of left leg I; E, genua, tibia and tarsus of left leg II, dorsal view; F, tibia of leg III, dorsal view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. A – T & a – i Types of setae and tegument ornamentations A, attenuate solenidion (ats); B, blunt rod-like solenidion (bsl); C, small blunt rod-like solenidion (sbsl); D, candle-flame solenidion (cfsl); E, long blunt rod-like solenidion (lbsl); F, thick solenidion; G, thin tubercle; H, simple tactile setae (sts); I, simple tactile bent setae; J, spinelike setae; K. blunt spinelike setae; L, blunt setae; M, spinelike setae with bent appearance; N, setae duplex; O, setae duplex [microsetae (mst), and attenuate solenidium (ats)]; P, simple tactile setae on sclerotized plates with granulate tegument; Q, hollow dorsoterminal duplex setae (dt); R. tibiotarsal claw with two teeth on mesal margin, with bifid appearance; S, depression on tarsus I (dep); T, setose sensillae in cup-shaped pseudostigma. a-g, types of ornamentations: a, stout papillae; b, papillae; c, granulations and fine papillae; d, stout papillae; e, granulate and verrucate; f, small granulations in circular form and stout granulation central; g, finely papillate and granulate; h, papillae-bearing striations; i, subcuticular cells.";