dc:description"FIGURE 2. Flower, fruit and bark in species of Melastomataceae in the RDS-Tupé: Flower (A–B).A: Henriettea martiusii; B: Tibouchina fothergillae. Fruit (C–F); C. H. maroniensis; D. Clidemia epibaterium; E. Miconia comptifolia; F. C. capitellata; G. Bellucia spruceana; H. M. longispicata, detail of inflorescence; I. M. rhytidophylla. Patterns and colors of the rhytidome and inner bark; J. M. chrysophylla; K. M. comptifolia; L. M. crassinervia; M. M. dispar; N. M. egensis; O. M. gratissima; P. M. longispicata; Q. M. lourteigiana; R. M. phanerostila; S. M. radulifolia; T. M. regelii; U. M. tomentosa; V. M. umbrosa; W. Tococa coronata; X. Tococa subciliata.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Morphological details of Melastomataceae species in RDS-Tupé: A. Adelobotrys marginata, leaf blade (from Corrêa 278); B. Miconia comptifolia, leaf blade with detail of the margins (from Corrêa 219); C. Tococa subciliata, leaf blade with detail of the margins (from Corrêa 112); D. Clidemia epibaterium, leaf blade with of the detail margins (from Corrêa 215); E. C. heteroneura, leaf base (from Corrêa 140); F. C. japurensis, leaf base (from Corrêa 21); G. Henriettea maroniensis, leaf blade and detail of trichomes on the abaxial surface (from Corrêa 139); H. M. poeppigii, leaf blade and detail of trichomes on the abaxial surface (from Corrêa 280); I. M. umbrosa, leaf base and detail of trichomes on the abaxial surface (from Corrêa 81); J. Tibouchina fothergillae, longitudinal section of the ovary, hypathium and calix (from Corrêa 218); K. M. umbrosa, detail of the ovary and style (from Corrêa 81); L. M. gratissima, transverse section of the ovary (from Corrêa 137); M. Aciotis circaeifolia, petal (from Corrêa,21);N. C. epibaterium, petal (from Ribeiro 932); O. Miconia tomentosa, stamen larger (from Corrêa 47); P. Aciotis acuminifolia, fruit (From Corrêa 102); Q. M. rubiginosa, fruit (from Scudeller 1067); R. Miconia phanerostila, seed (from Herb 96); S. M. lourteigiana, arachnoid trichome (from Corrêa 77I); T. M. crassinervia, dendritic trichome (from Corrêa 248) U. M. poeppigii, stellate trichome (from Corrêa 280); V. Adelobotrys marginata, malpighiaceous tricome (from Corrêa 278).";