dc:description"FIGURES 1–8. Cocconeis tsara sp. nov. LM (Anakao, West coast of Madagascar). SV with round-elliptical areolae, multiseriate on the margin, RV with dense striation and well-marked hyaline rim close to the margin (1). RVs with distinct areolae and discreet central area (2–3). SVs with round to square areolae in more or less regular axial rows (4–6). SVVC closed with digitate fimbriae not always regularly disposed (7). RVVC open with short and peged fimbriae irregularly arranged (8). Scale bars = 10 µm (phase-contrast: 1, 7–8; Nomarski interference contrast: 2–6).";
dc:description"FIGURES 9–12. Cocconeis tsara sp. nov. SEM (Anakao, West coast of Madagascar). SV in external view (9–12), regularly spaced and strongly radiate striae, round-square areolae in irregular axial rows (9, 12), loculate areolae with irregular cross, sometime incomplete (10, arrowhead). Each sector of the loculate areolae externally closed by hymenes with slits, perpendicular to the frame of the sector (10–11, arrows indicate the position of the valve apex). Scale bars = 4 µm (9, 12), 400 nm (10–11).";
dc:description"FIGURES 13–17. Cocconeis tsara sp. nov. SEM (Anakao, West coast of Madagascar). SV in internal view (13–15, 17), with roundelliptical to square foramina (13–15), narrow straight sternum. SVVC with digitate fimbriae locating on each virga (15). SVVC detached, with irregularly arranged fimbriae (14). Each fimbria with an irregular apex (16, arrowheads). Detail of each loculate areola, with an axial primary thin bar (17, arrowheads) and a perpendicular secondary bar on the bottom of the loculate areola (17, arrow indicates the position of the valve apex). Scale bars = 5 µm (14), 4 µm (13, 15), 1 µm (16), 700 nm (17).";
dc:description"FIGURES 61–69. SV loculate areolae from Cocconeis pertaining to the Loculatae section (61–68), compared to SV areola occlusions in C. scutellum Ehrenberg (69). All images at the same scale. Cocconeis scutellum cf. f. decussata (61), C. scutellum cf. var. posidoniae (62), C. tsara sp. nov. (63), C. sp. 1 (64), C. nosybetiana (65), C. sp. 2 (large specimens) (66), C. santandrea sp. nov. (67), C. scutellum cf. var. sullivanensis (68), C. scutellum (69). Arrows indicate the pole/apex of the valve. Scale bars = 300 nm.";
dc:description"FIGURES 18–25. Cocconeis tsara sp. nov. SEM (Anakao, West coast of Madagascar). RV in external view (18–25). Radiate striae, regularly spaced, uniseriate even after the marginal hyaline rim (18). Valve concave with a narrow cingulum (19). Round apices. RVVC open (20, arrowheads), second copula with a ligula (20, twin arrows). Apex void of areolae (21, arrow). Terminal raphe ending roundish. Marginal row of RV areolae enlarged (22, arrow) or axially split (20, arrow). Central area small (23, arrow), RV areolae externally concave (24, arrow). Proximal raphe endings roundish and close to each other (25). Scale bars = 4 µm (19), 3 µm (18), 2 µm (21), 1 µm (20, 22–23, 25), 700 nm (24).";
dc:description"FIGURES 26–29. Cocconeis tsara sp. nov. SEM (Anakao, West coast of Madagascar). RV in internal view (26–29). Raised marginal rim, proximal raphe ending bent in opposite sides, marginal areolae axially split in two parts (26, arrow). RVVC with fimbriae with hammerlike endings (27, arrows) and oblong and smooth papilla (27, framed arrowhead). Hammer-like fimbriae (28, arrowheads), fimbriae each two virgae. No areolae on apex (29, arrow), vestigial fimbriae (29, arrowheads) between each virga, helictoglossa discreet (29). Scale bars = 3 µm (26), 700 nm (28–29), 500 nm (27).";