dc:description"FIGURE 14. Habitus of Morphostenophanes chongli Zhou new species. Male (A, C), and female (B, D); in dorsal (A, B), and lateral view (C, D). Scale bars = 5 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 16. External characters of Morphostenophanes species in the aenescens- and chongli-group: M. aenescens Pic (A, F), M. cuproviridis Gao & Ren (B, G), M. curvitibialis Zhou new species (C, H, V), M. iridescens Zhou new species (D, I), M. luoxiaoshanus Zhou new species (E, J, U), M. papillatus Kaszab (K, O), M. purpurascens Zhou new species (L, P), M. aenescens yelang Zhou new subspecies (M, Q), M. chongli Zhou new species (N, R), and M. yunnanus Zhou new species (S, T). Male heads in dorsal view (A–E, K–N, S), and in ventral view (F–J, Q–R, T). Flanks of mesosterna (U, V). Scale bars of A–R = 1 mm, S–V not to scale. Abbreviations: ptp, posterior tentorial pits. Full meaning of all abbreviations of M. yunnanus habitats expounded as in Map 2.";
dc:description"FIGURE 18. External characters of Morphostenophanes species in the aenescens- and chongli-group: M. aenescens Pic (A, L–N), M. cuproviridis Gao & Ren (B, O–Q), M. curvitibialis Zhou new species (C, R–T), M. iridescens Zhou new species (D, U–W), M. luoxiaoshanus Zhou new species (E, X–Z), M. papillatus Kaszab (F), M. purpurascens Zhou new species (G, Gv), M. aenescens yelang Zhou new subspecies (H), M. chongli Zhou new species (I), and M. yunnanus Zhou new species (J), and M. chongli glaber Zhou new subspecies (K). Male antennae in dorsal view (A–K), a variation of antennomere XI (Gv). Male protibiae, in dorsal view (L, O, R, U, X); mesotibiae, in ventral view (M, P, S, V, Y); and metatibiae, in dorsal view (N, Q, T, W, Z). Scale bars of A–K = 2 mm; L–Z = 1 mm. Full meaning of all abbreviations standing for M. yunnanus habitats expounded as in Map 2.";
dc:description"FIGURE 17. Male prothoraces of Morphostenophanes species in the aenescens- and chongli-group: M. cuproviridis Gao & Ren (A, F), M. curvitibialis Zhou new species (B, G), M. iridescens Zhou new species (C, H), M. luoxiaoshanus Zhou new species (D, I), M. papillatus Kaszab (E, J), M. purpurascens Zhou new species (K, P), M. aenescens yelang Zhou new subspecies (L, Q), M. chongli Zhou new species (M, R), M. chongli glaber Zhou new subspecies (N, S), M. aenescens Pic (O, T) and M. yunnanus Zhou new species (S, T); in dorsal view (A–N, K–O, U, d), and in ventral view (F–J, P–T, v). Scale bars of A–N, P–S = 1 mm; O, T, U not to scale. Abbreviations of M. aenescens: XsD, Xishan District; FyC, Fuyuan County. Abbreviations of M. yunnanus habitats expounded as in Map 2, except CDll, Central Dali population; CDls, small individual of Central Dali population.";
dc:description"FIGURE 19. External characters of Morphostenophanes species in the aenescens- and chongli-group: M. aenescens Pic (P), M. cuproviridis Gao & Ren (Q), M. curvitibialis Zhou new species (R), M. iridescens Zhou new species (S), M. luoxiaoshanus Zhou new species (T), M. papillatus Kaszab (A–C, U), M. purpurascens Zhou new species (D–F, V), M. aenescens yelang Zhou new subspecies (G–I, W), M. yunnanus Zhou new species from the type locality (J–L, X), and M. chongli Zhou new species (M–O, Y). Male protibiae, in dorsal view (A, D, G, J, M); mesotibiae, in ventral view (B, E, H, K, N); and metatibiae, in dorsal view (C, F, I, L, O). Male abdomens (P–Y). Scale bars of A–O = 1 mm; P–Y = 2 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 20. Anatomic structures of Morphostenophanes species in the aenescens- and chongli-group: M. aenescens Pic (A, L), M. cuproviridis Gao & Ren (B, M), M. curvitibialis Zhou new species (C, N), M. iridescens Zhou new species (D, O), M. luoxiaoshanus Zhou new species (E, P), M. papillatus Kaszab (F, Q), M. purpurascens Zhou new species (G, R, V), M. aenescens yelang Zhou new subspecies (H, S), M. yunnanus Zhou new species from the type locality (I, T, W), M. chongli Zhou new species (J, U) and M. chongli glaber Zhou new subspecies (K). Aedeagi (A–K), male sternites VIII (L–U), and female reproductive organs (V, W); in dorsal view (d), lateral view (l), and enlargements of parameres apices (p). Scale bars of A–U= 1 mm; V–W = 2 mm; all parameres apices not to scale. Abbreviations: al, apical lobes of parameres.";