dc:description"Figure 2. Bathypathes thermophila sp. nov., holotype (MNHN-IK- 2016 - 45) a colony in situ b dry colony c base and stem d alternate arrangement of pinnules e polyps on both stem and pinnules, with f detail of a polyp g pinnular terminal polyp h, i apical polyp of the colony. Scale bars: 10 cm (a, b); 5 cm (c); 1 mm (d, e); 200 µm (f, h); 100 µm (g, i).";
dc:description"Figure 3. Branching and damages in Bathypathes thermophila sp. nov. a example of a colony in situ with different branches. Holotype (MNHN-IK- 2016 - 45) b ramification observed in situ c ramification at the middle of the colony with d detail of the ramification. Paratype MUZAC- 6665 e primary branch (on the left) and secondary branch (on the right) f example of two pinnules present on the same side of the stem with respect to the alternate pattern g cicatricial nodule on a pinnule h narrowing of the pinnular section possibly due to an injury and a subsequent recovery i spines arranged irregularly over a skeletal scar. Scale bars: 10 cm (a, b); 1 cm (c, e); 1 mm (d, f); 100 µm (g-i).";
dc:description"Figure 4. Scanning Electron Microscope of the spines of Bathypathes thermophila sp. nov., MNHN-IK- 2016 - 45 (a-f, h), MUZAC- 6665 (g, i) a stem and pinnule form the middle portion of the corallum b stem from the upper part of the corallum with c detail of the spines. Pinnule from the middle portion of the corallum with details of d proximal portion e distal portion, and f terminal portion g polypar spines on pinnule h row with three polypar spines on a distal pinnule i bifurcated polypar spine on pinnule. The right side of vertical skeletal elements and the upper side of horizontal ones is the polypar side. Scale bars: 500 µm (a, b); 100 µm (c-g); 50 µm (h, i).";
dc:description"Figure 5. Paratypes of Bathypathes thermophila sp. nov. KAUST-NTN 0037 - 8 a colony in situ, on a muddy bottom with scattered biogenic hard substrate b dry colony in frontal view (polypar side) and in c lateral view d polyp e spines on a proximal pinnule. MUZAC- 6665 f colony in situ on muddy bottom g dry colony in frontal view h distal polyps i proximal spines on a pinnule from the lower part of the corallum. MUZAC- 6666 j colony in situ on a hard ground, with a spider crab as epibiont k polyps on pinnule l spines arrangement on pinnule form the upper part of the corallum m base of the colony. Upper side of horizontal skeletal elements is the polypar side. Scale bars: 10 cm (a, f, g, j); 1 cm (b, c); 1 mm (d, h, k, m); 100 µm (e, i, l).";
dc:description"Figure 1. Map of the study area showing the known occurrences of Bathypathes thermophila sp. nov. Black dots: observed colonies during the 2020 OceanX-Neom Red Sea Expedition; red dots: sampled colonies; triangles: photographic record by Qurban et al. (2014). Black squares indicate the occurrence of an aggregation of colonies. Codes indicate the submersible (NTN) or remotely operated vehicle (CHR) dives. Coordinates and depth ranges for each dive are reported in Suppl. material 1.";
dc:description"Figure 6. Distribution and associations of Bathypathes thermophila sp. nov. a aggregations of colonies (white arrows) b detail of four co-occurring colonies. Epibionts c, d unidentified spider crabs e unidentified crinoid. Scale bars: 10 cm (a, b); 1 cm (c-e).";