bibo:journal"Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society";
dc:creator"Lopardo, Lara; Hormiga, Gustavo";
dc:title"Out of the twilight zone: phylogeny and evolutionary morphology of the orb-weaving spider family Mysmenidae, with a focus on spinneret spigot morphology in symphytognathoids (Araneae, Araneoidea)";
dc:description"Figure 58. Mysmenopsis palpalis (Mysmenidae): A–G, male; H, female. A–E, left palp; A, prolateral view; B, dorsal view; C, distal view; D, embolus and distal cymbium, ventral view; E, detail of tibial spurs. F, posterior median spinnerets; G, H, posterior lateral spinneret. See Appendix 3 for the list of abbreviations.";
dc:description"Figure 62. Mysmenopsis penai (Mysmenidae): A–D, female; E–H, male left leg I. A, right palpal tibia, dorsal view; B, right maxilla; C, labrum; D, right chelicera, distal view. E, tibial and metatarsal clasping spines, prolateral view; F, same, detail of tibial clasping spine; G, metatarsus–tarsus junction, dorsal view; H, tarsal organ. See Appendix 3 for the list of abbreviations.";
dc:description"Figure 3. Isela okuncana (Mysmenidae), legs: A, B, male; C–F, female; A, left leg I, prolateral view, tibia–metatarsus junction bearing clasping spines; B, detail of metatarsal clasping spine; C, right leg I, femur, ventral surface; D, left leg IV, tarsus, prolateral view; E, right leg I, prolateral view, detail of claws; F, right leg I, prolateral view, detail of tarsal organ.";
dc:description"Figure 9. Kilifina-MYSM-002-KENYA (Isela sp., Mysmenidae) from Kwale, Kenya; legs: A–C, E, female; D, F, male. A–C, E, left leg IV; D, right leg I; F, right leg IV. A, femur, prolateral view; B, same, detail of stridulatory area, C, same, close up; D, tarsus, dorsal view, tarsal organ; E, claws, retrolateral view; F, tibia, prolateral view.";
dc:description"Figure 8. Kilifina-MYSM-002-KENYA (Isela sp., Mysmenidae) from Kwale, Kenya; male right leg I: A, metatarsus, dorsal view; B, same, detail of clasping spine; C, same prolateral view; D, tibia, ventral view; E, tarsus, dorsal view; F, same prolateral view.";
dc:description"Figure 56. Mysmenopsis dipluramigo (Mysmenidae): A, B, E–G, male; C, D, female. A, left patella III, dorsal view; B, left leg II, claws; C, abdomen, epigynal area, ventral view; D, same, colulus, posterior respiratory spiracle and spinnerets, ventral view; E, epiandrous spigots; F, left tarsus I, dorsal view; G, mouthparts, ventral view.";
dc:description"Figure 1. Isela okuncana (Mysmenidae), male left palp: A, D, E, ventral view; B, C, dorsal view; C, D, detail of tip of palp; E, detail of cymbial process. See Appendix 3 for the list of abbreviations.";
dc:description"Figure 4. Kilifina-MYSM-002-KENYA (Isela sp., Mysmenidae) from Kwale, Kenya, male left palp: A, B, F, prolateral view; C, dorsal view; D, retrolatero–dorsal view; E, J, retrolateral view; G, I, ventral view; F, detail from figure B; I, detail from figure G. See Appendix 3 for the list of abbreviations.";
dc:description"Figure 53. Mysmenopsis cidrelicola (Mysmenidae), male paralectotype. A–F, left palp; A, retrolateral view; B, dorsal view; C, retrolateral–ventral view; D, bulb and cymbium, ventral view; E, detail of tibial hollow area; F, bulb and cymbium, retrolateral–ventral view. G, abdomen, pedicel area; H, posterior spinnerets. See Appendix 3 for the list of abbreviations.";
dc:description"Figure 55. Mysmenopsis dipluramigo (Mysmenidae), male left palp. A, prolateral view; B, dorsal view; C, retrolateral view; D, tibia, detail from figure A, prolateral view; E, same, detail from figure C, retrolateral view; F, distal view; G, embolus and tip of cymbium, detail from figure A, prolateral view; H, detail of tibial hollow area, ventral view; I, same, detail of spur. See Appendix 3 for the list of abbreviations.";
dc:description"Figure 61. Mysmenopsis penai (Mysmenidae), female. A, epigynum, ventral view; B, same, posterior view; C, left anterior lateral spinneret; D, right posterior median spinneret. See Appendix 3 for the list of abbreviations.";
dc:description"Figure 60. Mysmenopsis penai (Mysmenidae): A–F, male right palp, inverted; G, H, female digested abdomen. A, ventral view; B, same, detail of tibial hollow area; C, distal view; D, same, detail of embolus and cymbium; E, tibial spurs, detail from panel B; F, embolus and distal cymbium; G, posterior tracheal system; H, anterior tracheal system and vulva. See Appendix 3 for the list of abbreviations.";