dc:creator"Kobayashi, Shigeki; Johns, Chris A.; Kawahara, Akito Y.";
dc:title"Revision of the Hawaiian endemic leaf-mining moth genus Philodoria Walsingham (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae): its conservation status, host plants and descriptions of thirteen new species";
dc:description"FIGURE 26. Forewing pattern variation in Philodoria. Specimens from recent collection efforts that were preserved in ethanol or RNA stabilization reagent, originally for molecular studies. Wings were placed without mountant under a coverslip. A P. succedanea (sex unknown, CJ419), B P. auromagnifica, male (CJ148/SK689), C P. basalis, female (CJ410), D P. splendida, female (CJ488a), host: Syzygium sp., E P. splendida (sex unknown, CJ488b), host: Syzygium sp., F P. molokaiensis, male (CJ509b/ SK667), G P. sp. A nr. P. lysimachiella, female (CJ346a/SK753), H P. lysimachiella, female (CJ530), lateral view, I P. pipturiella, female (CJ529), J Same species, male (CJ529), K P. haelaauensis, female (CJ209), L Same species, female (CJ216), M P. floscula, female (CJ426/SK845), N P. wilkesiella, male (CJ009/SK649), O P. epibathra, male (CJ506a/SK678), P Same species, female (CJ506b/SK681). Arrows point to diagnostic characters of species: black patch at base (A), basal fascia (D), transverse fasciae (tf) (F, G), white spot (ws) (I, J), white patch (K–M). Scale bar 1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 56. Female genitalia of Philodoria. A P. succedanea, paralectotype, Maui, SK714, B Same species, Hawaii (Big Island), SK624, C P. auromagnifica, Hawaii (Big Island), SK623, D P. kauaulaensis, holotype, SK690, E Same species, lateral view, F P. kolea, paratype, Hawaii (Big Island), SK634, G P. lysimachiella, SK654, H P. sp. A, SK753, I P. molokaiensis, SK668, lateral view, J Same ventral view, K P. splendida, SK621, L P. lama, paratype, SK813.";
dc:description"FIGURE 80. Philodoria species on the host plant, Lysimachia. A, B, D, E: P. molokaiensis, Molokai, host: L. hillebrandii, C, F: Philodoria sp., Maui, host: L. remyi. A–C Leaf mine, D, F Late instar larva, E Cocoon.";