dc:description"FIGURE 50. Habitus of Parena (Parena) bicolor Motschulsky and Parena (Parena) rubripicta Andrewes. A P. bicolor Motschulsky, male from Java. B P. bicolor Motschulsky, male from Sumatra. C P. bicolor Motschulsky, male from Philippine. D Holotype of Parena rubripicta Andrewes. E P. rubripicta Andrewes, female from Yunnan. F P. rubripicta Andrewes, female from Guangxi. Scale bars = 2 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 52. Median lobe of male genitalia for Parena (Parena) rubripicta Andrewes, right-lateral (r), ventral (v), left-lateral (l), and dorsal (d) views, Xizang (Medog). Scale bar = 0.5 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 11. Gonocoxites (left side) of ovipositor for Parena spp., ventral side (dorsal side for fig. Q). A–J subgenus Bothynoptera: A P. (Bothynoptera) heteronycha sp.n., Laos, paratype. B P. (Bothynoptera) dorsigera (Schaum), Shaanxi. C P. (Bothynoptera) kurosai Habu, Guangdong. D P. (Bothynoptera) tesari (Jedlička), Taiwan. E P. (Bothynoptera) taiwana Hua, Taiwan. F P. (Bothynoptera) tripunctata (Bates), Shaanxi. G P. (Bothynoptera) malaisei (Andrewes), Taiwan. H P. (Bothynoptera) quadrisignata Mateu, Yunnan. I P. (Bothynoptera) emarginata sp. n., holotype. J P. (Bothynoptera) triguttata sp. n., Sichuan, paratype. K–X subgenus Parena: K P. (Parena) bicolor Motschulsky, Sulawesi. L P. (Parena) rubripicta Andrewes, Yunnan. M P. (Parena) fasciata (Chaudoir), Taiwan. N P. (Parena) nigrolineata (Chaudoir), Taiwan. O P. (Parena) picipes sp. n., Borneo, paratype. P P. (Parena) andrewesi Jedlička, Philippine. Q P. (Parena) politissima (Chaudoir), Vanuatu. R P. (Parena) latecincta (Bates), Guizhou. S P. (Parena) circumdata Shibata, Taiwan. T P. (Parena) pendleburyi Andrewes, Borneo. U P. (Parena) fulva sp. n., Zimbabwe, paratype. V P. (Parena) madagascariensis (Alluaud), Madagascar. W P. (Parena) ruficornis sp.n., CentralAfrica, paratype. X P. (Parena) africana (Alluaud), Uganda. Y–γ subgenus Crossoglossa: Y P. (Crossoglossa) cavipennis (Bates), Taiwan. Z P. (Crossoglossa) laesipennis (Bates), Yunnan. α P. (Crossoglossa) testacea (Chaudoir), Zhejiang. β P. (Crossoglossa) sulawesiensis Kirschenhofer, Sulawesi. γ P. (Crossoglossa) sciakyi sp. n., holotype. Scale bar = 0.2mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 10. Parameres of male genitalia for Parena spp. A P. (Crossoglossa) cavipennis (Bates), Beijing. B P. (Crossoglossa) testacea (Chaudoir), Shanghai. C P. (Bothynoptera) dorsigera (Schaum), Zhejiang. D P. (Bothynoptera) taiwana Hua, Taiwan. E P. (Bothynoptera) tripunctata (Bates), Shaanxi. F P. (Parena) rubripicta Andrewes, Xizang. G P. (Parena) fasciata (Chaudoir), Taiwan. H P. (Parena) nigrolineata (Chaudoir), Taiwan. I P. (Parena) latecincta (Bates), Yunnan. Scale bar = 0.2 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 51. Median lobe of male genitalia for Parena (Parena) bicolor Motschulsky, right-lateral (r), ventral (v), left-lateral (l), and dorsal (d) views. A Sumatra. B Java. C Philippine. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.";