dc:title"Taxonomic diversity of marine planktonic ‘ y-larvae’ (Crustacea: Facetotecta) from a coral reef hotspot locality (Japan, Okinawa), with a key to y-nauplii";
dc:description"Fig. 2. Y-naupliar (Facetotecta) diversity at Sesoko Island (Okinawa, Japan). A. Schematic life cycle of y-larvae (modified from Itô 1991; Glenner et al. 2008). B. Overview of 34 morphospecies of lecithotrophic last-stage y-nauplii obtained by laboratory rearing of earlier-stage nauplii collected in the plankton; three of them represent formally described species while 31 remain undescribed. C. Nine types of planktotrophic y-larvae, of which only Type A* is treated in detail in this paper. All photos in B and C are to the same scale. Figure also used in Olesen (2004). Examples of live video of most of the y-naupliar morphospecies can be seen at https://youtu.be/er0mYLswV-c and are also deposited at Figshare.com: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.24953568.v1.";
dc:description"Fig. 8. Last-stage nauplii of three different morphospecies of y-larvae (Facetotecta) from Sesoko Island (Okinawa, Japan). A–D. Type F. E–G. Type G. H–J. Type H. Shown either in life (A–B, E–F, H–I) or as slide-mounted exuviae (C–D, G, J). Abbreviations: A1 = first antenna; A2 = second antenna; Md = mandible.";